Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So Great A Salvation

Someone once said: "Salvation is so simple we can overlook it, so profound we can never comprehend it." We also learn from Scripture that God uses many in the work of salvation. There are those who plow, while others plant, still others water. Then there are those who have the privilege of reaping the harvest. Such was my experience in the month of March....

It turns out that my new roommate Johnny had never fully given his heart and life over to Jesus Christ.It all started with Johnny having a wonderful Easter Sunday. He participated in the play as one of the disciples, and was overwhelmed by the love he received from the Body of Christ at the church. Later that night I was able to share the gospel with him in English and broken Spanish:) I took him to the Bible showing him many verses explaining what it meant to be saved. The conversation went for two and a half hours. Johnny had shared with me that he wanted to be a part of "us." He had felt like an outsider looking in.

Friday of that same week, Raf came out to our house and shared more with Johnny. Then Johnny prayed with Raf and I that night on March 28th to receive the Lord Jesus Christ! Then on Sunday March 30th Raf and I baptized Johnny in the Mediterranean Sea after church! I already see major changes in his life just by the things he says as well as his actions. He is also reading his Bible and praying alot. His co-workers are also seeing the changes, asking questions, and wanting to know the Bible.

Johnny now attends the home Bible study I teach in English Thursday nights. However, in his hunger for the Word of God he wants to be taught the Bible more. We are currently going through the Gospel of John (John for Johnny) one chapter at a time. We read the chapter in Spanish and English, then I teach in Spanglish. We then pray and enjoy a dinner together. I have also introduced him to some Spanish worship music I have, he really likes it. I have also had many trips to the hospital this past month with Johnny as his health is not the best. He now says: "that's secondary." He also says: "I see people in a whole new way." He desires that the rest of his family and friends would come to experience the same joy that he has now.

I also made a few hospital visits this past month in regards to Mike. Due to his battle with alcohol, his health was in serious jeopardy. I had the privilege of picking him up at the end of two weeks. He has now for the rest of the month been sober! His boss is also giving him his old job back. Continue to pray for Mike. He so loves the Body of Christ praying for him.

I also had the privilege of having a few teaching opportunities. I was able to fill in for Trevor and teach the youth group twice. I still love to be with the youth, it made me think of the youth back at CCU. Raf also asked me to share at the Sunrise service Easter morning.

We also read in 1 Corinthians 3 that it is God who gives the increase to that seed of salvation that is planted in the heart by faith. Raf said Johnny's conversion was one of the most powerful he had ever witnessed. Johnny went on to tell us the many different people from different countries over the years who shared the gospel with him. Raf is included in that number as he shared with Johnny three years ago. I was the last one to share with him. Raf and I simply had the privilege of reaping the harvest! May God get all the glory for the beautiful story He writes!

In closing, a German named Sasha gave his life to the Lord also last month. Many have taken Sasha and have began to disciple him. Raf and I also had the privilege of baptizing him right before Johnny. I am so blown away by God. Who would have ever thought that I would be baptizing a Peruvian and German in Spain! Truly, it is about reaching all nations no matter where you are at in this world!