Friday, July 30, 2010

Same Country, Same Mission/Different Location

The Bible says in Acts 8:26-27a:" Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, 'Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.' This is desert. So he arose and went..." The chapter starts with persecution, scattering the Christians. Philip who is an evangelist, goes to Samaria to preach Christ there. The result is multitudes believe, miracles are done, people are physically healed, and demons are cast out of people. The by-product, is there was great joy in that city. There was a great thing going on in Samaria!!! Philip now had his work cut out for him. However, there was an Ethiopian Eunuch who had great influence, coming down from Jerusalem. He was reading the prophet Isaiah. The section of Scripture was about the coming Messiah. Philip leads him to Christ, and then precedes to baptize him. Philip didn't know this though at the beginning. All he understood from the Lord, was to leave the revival in Samaria, and go south along a road to the desert. He wasn't even told why, or what he would find there. The month of July was my first full month here in Malaga, Spain...

Leaving Mallorca last month, kind of had the same feeling as leaving SoCal 3 years prior. Many well intentioned family members, friends, and church family, gave some intelligent reasons to not leave. Proverbs do speak a few times, about the importance of having a multitude of counselors in decision making. In the book of Job though, we see his friends didn't have the mind of God, for why Job was going through such suffering in his life. Like 3 years ago, I had to put aside all the arguments, quotes, and rationalizing, to hear the voice of the Lord in my life. Remember, I honestly believe all the counsel came from a heart of love for me. I know if I never left SoCal and came to Spain, I would still be going to Heaven. In other words, I wouldn't have lost my salvation. However, I would have totally missed out!!! I don't believe I would have grown and been stretched the way I was in Mallorca, if I just remained comfortable in Upland. I believe the same is true in this recent move to mainland Spain.

I had no idea what I would be doing in Mallorca specifically 3 years ago. All Pastor Raf said and I quote: "I have a church, Bible college, a Spanish service, and possibly a church plant in Palma. Come help out. Come and let your vision be clarified by God." It was very vague, with no specifics. I was looking for a job description from Raf!! Raf was right though, God did just that. I had plenty of ministry to do. I so believe if we have an attitude to serve and make ourselves available, God will put someone in your path with needs to meet. He will also put "things" in your path as well. There is always ministry to do. Well, I am at that place in my life and ministry again. I am starting over. I have 4 basic things I will be focusing on as of right now. I am going to language school, trying to get into the Prison in Malaga, helping Ivan anyway I can with the church, and getting a job. I know as time goes on, Jesus will provide more opportunities to serve. I have only been here a month, and God already has provided some! I will share more of this in future newsletters.

On Thursday July 1st, I rose early in the morning to drive to the port in Palma. Johnny and Rick came to say goodbye. I would be taking my car filled with all of my belongings, on a ferry for 5 hours. We first stopped at another island called Ibiza, and then went on to Denia in Central Spain. I drove for 6 and a half hours down the coast, to finally be greeted in El Rincon de la Victoria by Ivan, Eunice, and the newest edition to the family. Yes, it was time to finally meet baby Samuel! What a treat! Meeting this baby was worth the destination. I fell in love with him instantly. My title is now "Tito Eric." My first nephew is awesome!! He is such a good baby!! It has been such a blessing, to wake up every morning and be greeted by him. God also blessed me with a beautiful day, perfect for a drive here in Spain. It was a smooth journey, with no problems. God is good!! Ivan and Eunice have been incredible hosts, helping me in so many ways.

My first Sunday here on July 4th, I was reunited with Ryan Slabach. I met Ryan a year ago, at my ordination service in Mallorca. He is Pastor Dave Shirley's assistant, at the Bible College in Murrieta. He has been thinking and praying for years about the possibility of serving in Spain. He came this year, to meet with Raf in Barcelona and simply pray over the city. He then went and spoke at a Conference in Mallorca, and arrived here afterwards. The fellowship between him, Ivan, and I was sweet. We all were mutually built up, and more excited about the work here in Spain. Ryan really has a heart for Barcelona. Please keep him in your prayers, as he has planned to leave in a year from SoCal. I for one am excited, as we need more laborers in this harvest field.

Now, some of the practical things that needed to be done... I had to go and register for the language school in Malaga. After this, turn everything in and make a payment for the school year. I will be starting in September, I am really looking forward to this. My last year in Mallorca was the busiest ever, therefore my language study went on the back burner. I hadn't studied as much as the previous two years. I really just want to communicate better with the people, and of course be more effective in sharing the gospel. I also had to go and apply for a student visa here in Malaga. This means applying with new information, now that I have moved from Mallorca. The Lord was gracious to me, as I simply had to renew my visa, without going through the whole tedious process again back in the US. In August, it will be 3 years that I have lived here. I will now be eligible for Residency. This will be my goal in this next year. Ivan really wants to help me with this...

Another thing on my checklist, was to find a place to live. Ivan and Eunice had done some research prior to my arrival. This whole month we made phone calls, contacted other churches and pastors, drove around, visited some prospects, and used Google to the max!! To be honest, I was beginning to get discouraged. Four weeks of researching, and everything was out of my budget. Ivan and I discussed the possibility of moving several towns away. On Tuesday July 27th, we found two studio apartments online. Ivan and I went to the border of La Cala and El Rincon de la Victoria. About a 10 minute drive from Ivan's house. Once Carlos(agent)found out that we were Christians, Ivan was a pastor of a church, and I was a missionary, trust set in. He just had a few bad experiences with previous tenants. We told him if he knocked 50 euros off, I could afford it. He said he would call us later. Don't you know, ;) he called not even 3 hours later with some good news from the owner. Not only did he knock 50 Euros off, he also didn't charge us the normal 300 Euros that an agency would charge any tenant for their services!!! It was now right in my budget, and was a nice studio apartment!! On Friday July 30th, Ivan and I went to sign the contract and pay the security deposit. In the midst of this, he offered me a job for a few hours a week! Driving home together, Ivan and I were still processing everything that was happening. We both looked at each other and said: "Venga" Just kidding.;) We were just so happy, and were basking in the goodness of God. Door and after door was being opened, as God was settling me here in my new home...

This month, I also got to witness history in the making. On Sunday July 11th, Spain won Holland for the World Cup!!! I know this isn't "spiritual," but it was pretty cool to actually be here in Spain while this happened. We watched the game on a projector on the terrace of Ivan's home. Some church family came over, as we celebrated with some food. The whole town was making noise and having parties of their own. After the victory, fireworks went off, Spanish songs were sung, hugs were given, a lot of yelling went on, etc. Ivan and I then went on his moped, driving through the streets of El Rincon de la Victoria, cheering and greeting everyone out on the streets. This was pretty much everybody.:) Eunice said to not go to the city of Malaga, for Ivan and I probably wouldn't make it home!!

In Conclusion, starting over again can be scary. You second guess yourself, and wonder if you made the right decision to leave somewhere God was blessing you. Prior to my arrival, Ivan shared with me that he was battling within himself as well. He never wanted to manipulate me, or force me to come here. Eunice and Ivan thought I never would come here, and just stay in Mallorca. Everything was going good right? Why leave? Maybe right now, as you read this, your in the same place. Let me encourage you by saying, our God is loving and gracious. Whether it is a new relationship, a new job, a different position, a new ministry, getting married, having a baby, changing churches, going on the mission field, starting something new in your church, etc. Take calculated risks. Take a step of faith in Jesus, and see what might happen! It just might be what God wanted all along...

By His Grace,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bitter Sweet Symphony

Acts 28:8-10: "And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and dysentery. Paul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on him and healed him. So when this was done, the rest of those on the island who had diseases also came and were healed. They also honored us in many ways; and when we departed, they provided such things as were necessary." This took place on the island of Malta, where Paul was shipwrecked on the way to Rome. Rome was the ultimate destination where he would have ministry opportunities, write part of the NT, and be martyred eventually. However, Jesus had plans and purposes for Paul first on this island. There were good works for Paul to walk in (Eph. 2:10). Three years ago, I initially was headed for mainland Spain to help Ivan and Eunice start a church. The Lord had something else in mind... I would spend two years and ten months on the island of Mallorca. There were good works for me to walk into. The month of June was my last full month there, and it was bitter sweet...

On Sunday June 6th, I taught for Raf while he was out of town. Raf is not one to tell me what to teach usually, but this time was different. One of the couples in the church, were having 30 or more Germans from their company visit the church that Sunday morning. Most of them who would be attending, were unbelievers. Raf said: "I need you to preach the gospel, discuss the difference between religion vs. relationship, and give a little bit of your testimony. It needs to be evangelistic, just do what you always do at the prison." So, I prayed and prepared my heart all that week. My main text was out of John 5:1-9. The title of my message was: "Do you want to change?" After the service, I had a great conversation with one of the visitors. His name is Michael. He said to me... "I only understood half of what you were saying. I wish I could understand more. I want to know more about this Jesus and find out what this life is all about. Thank you for sharing these words." I then left the sanctuary, only to return 10 minutes later. All these German believers were surrounding Michael with tears flowing from their eyes. Not to mention his as well. They all took turns praying for him. I then spoke with Thomas who serves on staff with me, he went on to tell me Michael just received Jesus Christ!! I was elated and on cloud nine!!! Another person in the kingdom...

This month was also full of practical preparations for my departure. This included taking my car to the mechanic, paying for my visa for the summer, going to the town hall to turn paper work in, purchasing a ferry ticket, researching my route from Central Spain to Southern Spain once off the ferry, working out cell phone issues, packing up my belongings, and then loading everything in my 95 Volkswagen Golf for departure. Johnny was such a blessing to me, as he helped me with some of these preparations!! Glad it is all over! ;)

On Friday June 25th, was my last visit to the Prison in Palma. I went to Module #9, where it all began in September of last year, to visit John David. This is the young man I have mentioned in past newsletters and furloughs. This is the guy who always rounded up the rest of the prisoners to come to our Bible studies. Raf would always interpret for the teaching part. John David was one of the first guys we met, on our very first visit to the prison. Raf and I hit it off with John David immediately. Due to other responsibilities, and a vision to start something in Palma, Raf stopped coming with me to the prison about 3-4 months ago. I thank Raf for the time we did serve together in there. I continued to go twice a week to the prison. However, on Fridays I continued to visit John David along with some other inmates. We really developed a good friendship. It also forced me to practice my Spanish even more so! John David was always patient with me, and still asked me questions about God and the Bible. Reading Scripture together was great. We also spoke about life in general, our personal lives, and of course laughed a lot, poking fun at each other!!! You see, he was also trying to learn English. So, we had a great time as we both struggled with each others' languages!! Now, here is some great news...

John David will be released from prison on Wednesday August 4th. He has convinced his wife and children to move from the Canary Islands (also Spain), to Mallorca!! He wants to attend Santa Ponsa Community Church, and go to the Bible College!!! Raf is going to visit him before he gets out of prison, and check in with him. Please pray that his move works out!!! God is so good!!!

I also met a few more times with Alvaro and Andrea, to finish training them in the bookkeeping/accounting. This was one of the most challenging and hardest things I have ever had to do in ministry. Not only was it a lot of work, but I had to do it all in Spanish!!! Like Raf said, it was very good practice!!! Rick was so helpful, as he and Andrea translated all the account names into Spanish. The program/software doesn't come in Spanish, and is all in English. This means we also had to translate certain names, and then show them how to go back and fix mistakes. What makes it all worth it? Well, I know Alvaro and Andrea are a godly couple who serve Jesus with integrity. I know they will do an even better job than I did previously. They are a very gifted couple! We also had some fun, laughing at me make some mistakes with the language!! :)

In closing, I am excited to finally be with Ivan and Eunice here on the mainland. However, I praise God that I got to spend the last three years in Mallorca!!! What I gained and never expected in regards to ministry: access into the prison, meeting certain prisoners I know by name now, salvation and baptism of Johnny, teaching a home fellowship, teaching on Sunday morning for Raf, serving on the board, being entrusted to work with the finances, teaching three Bible college classes, leading a few people to Christ, studying the Bible with homeless Mike, being ordained as a pastor, making new friends, having a second church family, etc.. I also gained some life long friends with Pastor Raf and his wife Loretta. I will never forget their kindness, and letting me serve under their leadership. On my last Sunday in Mallorca, they prayed for me. I was then surprised, by a little party at a restaurant that night. I was given gifts, treated to a great meal, and received many kind words. Lord willing, I will be able to visit Mallorca in the future. From the bottom of my heart I love you all!!!!

By His Grace,