Paul the Apostle closed his first letter to the Thessalonians by stating in verse 18 of chapter 5: "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." We as Christians many times can get so caught up with wondering what God's specific will is for our lives, that we neglect His revealed general will found in the pages of the Bible. This verse alone tells us that God wants us to be a thankful people in everything. I began to "chew" on this verse as I considered the month of March. I looked at my calendar from March 2008 as well. Here are just a few things I am thankful for...
Mike and I continue to meet almost every week for prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and of course food:) What I am grateful for the most, is the fact that he wants to meet every single week without fail. February marked exactly one year since Mike and I started meeting. I can honestly say as God is my witness, that never once has Mike canceled with me. March marked on my calendar exactly one year since I picked Mike up from the hospital due to his long battle with alcohol. He has now been sober for one year!!
In looking at this newsletter and slide show from a year ago, you will also note some other things. March 29th marked one year ago that my friend and roommate Johnny got saved!! March 31st marked one year ago that Raf and I baptized him in the Mediterranean sea. I really wanted to make Johnny's 1 year Born Again B-Day special. Johnny likes to eat generally at home, and loves to cook from which I usually benefit.:) So, I cooked him dinner. Yes, that's right I cooked, and no it wasn't oatmeal with a pop-tart! We then enjoyed a conversation about the Lord and what He has done in his life over the last year. Next, we enjoyed some ice cream together and watched "Fury to Freedom." This is a movie based on the testimony of Pastor Raul Ries (CC Golden Springs). Johnny was very moved seeing it for the first time. Even though I have seen it many times, I too was reminded of the power of God to change a life. After the movie ended, we both wiped our tears away and prayed together. I am very thankful that the Lord has allowed me to be a part of His work in Johnny's life.
I also had the privilege of teaching on Sunday morning for Raf. I taught on the 4th commandment, which is to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. I titled the message "Have the day off." I just encouraged the congregation to not only find rest in Jesus, but to take a literal day off. I believe we all need a day where we can just stop working and really enjoy the day with Jesus. Now, I know this will vary, yet we miss out when we don't really set aside concentrated time to be with our Lord.
At the end of the month, all the students and almost the whole staff went to Rome. It is a fun, yet educational Semester trip. We go to many sites studying Church History and Bible History. My favorite site was Paul's prison. We all sit down and read the whole book of 2 Timothy together. They are Paul's "last written words" to Timothy before he would be martyred for his faith in Jesus Christ. I then was thankful to be a Christian. I thought "wow." I am saved, my sins forgiven, I enjoy the unconditional love of God, and I'm going to Heaven!! What was sad though, was the fact that Rome is notorious for being very religious. It is the home of the Pope! Yet, it is such a dark city with many of its people still searching and seeking the truth about God. What is ironic, is the fact that the book of Romans is all about how to get saved and what the Christian life should look like. Paul wrote that letter to the Roman Christians 2,000 years ago and yet so few Romans have read it!!
In closing, may I challenge all of us to be thankful. To really count our blessings is healthy, especially as we serve the Lord. God has been so good to us over the years and we still have Heaven to look forward to!!!
By His Grace,