The month of August marked two years that I have been here on the mission field of Mallorca, Spain. The Lord has continued to take care of me out here as I serve Him. His promises are true and faithful. I can literally go on for hours, sharing with you how God has met my every need and more. I came back from furlough on the last week of July and hit the ground running...
Three days after I landed, I was called upon to be a part of the Youth Beach Trip. It was an awesome day of fellowship and just hanging out with the kids. I have learned and continue to learn, that serving Jesus in any capacity is an honor and privilege.
On Saturday August 1st, I had the opportunity to officiate a Wedding Ceremony. However, this ceremony was about renewing vows. It took place on one of the beaches in Santa Ponsa with a awesome sunset. Everyone came dressed in all white with beaming smiling faces. Pastor Eric Bradley and his wife Adrianna who serve in the Salvation Army, were missionaries here on the island. It was time for them to return to California, but before they did the
In the middle of the month, I went to our annual Youth Retreat. We took the kids to the other side of the island to explore different things. Trevor Woolf, who heads up the youth ministry also asked me to give the two night Bible studies. The first night I shared out of John 5 and was evangelistic in nature. Jesus wants all of us to acknowledge we aren't well without Him. The next night I told the youth that failure on their part was inevitable once they said "yes" to Jesus. I pulled from different OT characters illustrating to them that even the "Hebrew Heroes" had lapses of faith in God. The youth asked questions, made comments, and paid attention the whole time. I had personally had a lot of fun with everyone.
The following week I was able to attend my first Calvary Chapel European Missions Conference in Millstatt, Austria. It was 5 days long. I hadn't attended a c
As for the Home Bible Study I lead in Palma, we finally ended the 8 part series by Pastor Bob Coy entitled: "Building a Godly Marriage." The couples were truly blessed and built-up. At the end of the month, we viewed CC Fort Lauderdale's 20 year anniversary service/video presentation from September 2005. I felt since the group had viewed Pastor Bob's testimony a year ago and had just finished the marriage series, it would be beneficial to see the work of God in South Florida. It would be our last study with our hosts PJ & Nell. I will mention more of that next newsletter. I thought this would be a great finale to our time together. After the presentation, we all went around the room sharing what principles God presented to take with us no matter where we are in the world. Everyone was really encouraged and in great spirits.
Pastor Raf took some time off and asked me to teach two morning services and both Spanish services. The first Sunday I taught out of Ecclesiastes 6 with the title: "You can have it all." The crux of the message was about how we need God to continue correcting and confronting us, in order to walk on the straight and narrow. The following Sunday, I shared out of John 15 with the message title: "Bearing Fruit: God's Plan for your life." In order for this to happen, we all need to mature by keeping the unity and not practicing division. I mentioned how Paul rebuked the Corinthian church for exalting men by putting them on pedestals.
By way of reminder, I made a vow/promise to Jesus and myself to serve Him a minimum of 5 years here in Spain. These past two years have gone by slow at times, and at other times very fast. It has been all worth it. Yes, God has worked through me out here. To be honest though, I think the biggest work He has done out here has been in ME. I have grown and been stretched in ways I could have never imagined. I think it wouldn't have happened if I had stayed in SoCal, and not took that step of faith out here. What is the Lord asking you to trust Him for right now?
By His Grace,