Proverbs 11:25: "The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself." God doesn't need any of us to do the work of ministry in the world. He simply loves us and invites us to join in the work He is already doing. In the month of October, I was reminded by the Lord to get outside of myself and serve others. Herein lies true happiness and freedom. We will also find that holiness is synonymous with happiness...
On Saturday October 17th, Raf and I started going to the prison twice a week. The guys at Module 9 requested a weekly Bible Study. This was the first Module we went to when Raf and I went to the prison for the first time back in September. We are going to continue going on Thursday nights with Benjamin & Francisco, visiting a new Module every week. Raf and I are also learning policies, procedures, and other practical things with these two men. To learn what we can and cannot do. It is also important for us to begin relationships with the guards as they get to know our faces around there.
The first couple times we went to Module 9, I shared the gospel and some ba
We as a team took the students to the other side of the island for the Semester Retreat. We had no guest speaker this time, but instead Raf did all the teachings. He taught on Paul's prayer for the church in Ephesus. The theme was: "Rooted and Grounded in Love." Everyone was challenged in examining how we were all doing in the most important area of our Christian lives. Truly it was an occasion for me personally to spend some quality time with Jesus and do some reading.
Through some prayer, thinking, other opinions given, a meeting, the Home Fellowship I was starting to teach in Genova ended last month. I will spare you the details, but I do want to say praise God for different seasons. I have found that sometimes God closes a door to open a new one. I can now focus even more so on the prison ministry. Raf has also recently put me in charge of anything that falls under "outreach." I will expound in future newsletters, but there is also something new coming up. Another staff member named Jose and I, will be starting to street witness in the city of Palma...
Jose and I on October 31st, attended a gathering for those who serve or served in prison ministry from all the other churches. This included other prisons in Spain. We had a time of worship, Bible Study, fellowship, and other activities. Two things stuck out to me. One was a conversation I had with an elderly man who did prison ministry for 22 years. He went on to give me advice in order to have longevity in this ministry. The second thing, was a conversation with a man named Juan. He was formerly a prisoner himself in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. While in prison, he was skeptical of the Christians coming in. One day, one of them approached Juan and looked him in the eyes intensely. Juan thought the man was going to a person behind him, for he never met the man. What was said was this, "God has a specific plan for your life." Juan thought to himself "what plan?" You see, before Juan went to prison he divorced his wife, lived a wild lifestyle, and had AIDS. Today Juan is not only a Christian, but goes now to preach the gospel in the prisons of Spain himself. Juan went on to share with me that the believer who shared with him, does not know to this day that Juan is saved or what he is up to. Basically, the fruit will be seen in heaven.
In closing, I was personally encouraged by Juan's story. If you are not happy, depressed, or miserable in your life, Jesus has one of many remedies. The greatest commandment He said was: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind." Jesus went on to say: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Fall in love with Jesus, then go serve Him by serving others. You will see the change in your heart and life!
By His Grace,