William Carey is often referred to as the "Father of Modern Day Missions." Originally from England, he was not only a pioneer Missionary to India, but a pioneer Missionary for the Christian world. You see, at this time in history, nobody thought World Missions was applicable to the church anymore. A prayer he prayed was: "I will go down, if you will hold the ropes." He likened his missionary work to exploring a mine. Those who would hold the ropes, were those hands who would let him down to explore, but never letting him go. I went home for the month of August, for Summer furlough. I love going home for various reasons. There is not a time I don't want to go home to Socal, when the opportunity is presented. One of the reasons I love going home, is to be reminded of just how many people are holding the ropes for me...
On Sunday August 1st, I had the honor of sharing with my new church family here in El Rincon de la Victoria. Ivan had asked me 2 weeks prior, to share three specific things with the congregation. He first wanted me to share a bit of my testimony, then why I was here, and finally a word of encouragement from the Scriptures. Ivan did an incredible job interpreting for me. We all were mutually encouraged, shared a few laughs, and even a few tears.
On Monday August 2nd, I departed Spain and arrived in SoCal for furlough. I am always excited to go home to beautiful SoCal!! It is not just the beach and land I am talking about. I really do value and cherish the relationships I have there. It is always a pleasure to meet
On Sunday August 15th, I officiated over the wedding of my sister Amanda, and her husband Brandon Franco. I still can't believe she is married!! I couldn't be happier for the two of them. I am proud of them both. The Wedding day went smoothly, and everyone had a fun time. One comment was made to me, that I still think about. This woman told me that Christ was mentioned the most at this wedding, out of all the weddings she had ever been to in her life.
On Thursday August 19th, I had the privilege of teaching at CC Moreno Valley's College/Career group. The message was entitled: "Made Himself of No Reputation." Our main text was Philippians 2:7. I taught mostly on the subject of pride, and defining true humility. This is a message that I felt led to share with the church in general. One of the prayers we often pray as Christians is: "Lord, make me more like Jesus. Conform me into His image." One of the qualities
Tuesday August 17th, marked three years of service in Spain. At times days have gone by slow in Spain, but for the most part, it has gone extremely fast!! I am constantly challenged with the thought, "Have I made the most of my time?" May I say thank you again to all who read this. Thank you "rope holders." Spain thanks you as well. Johnny thanks you, the prisoners in Palma thank you, the Bible college in Santa Ponsa thanks you, etc. Without you, Spain Archives would be a blank blog. Thank you for all the e-mails, comments on this blog, comments on my facebook, finances, prayers, love, hospitality, generosity, support, encouragement, and opening your homes to me on furlough over the past 3 years!! Be reminded that Missions involve a team effort. I love you all, and you bring a big smile to my face!!! Rope Ministry Rocks!!
By His Grace,