Ecclesiastes 3:6 reads: "A time to gain, and a time to lose." Verse 11a then reads: "He has made everything beautiful in its time." King Solomon was writing concerning the human experience on this side of Heaven. What we see and read, are the different seasons/chapters of life. All of us don't understand, or even like every season of life...but we can count on God making everything beautiful in the end. The month of December, was a time of reflecting on gaining and losing all at the same time...
When I arrived back in Spain on September 9th, Ivan and I were fully convinced everything was taken care of concerning my visa. I previously had a student visa under Mallorca Bible School, where I served for 3 years in Mallorca. I simply had to transfer the renewal of my visa under the School of Languages in Malaga. I left in August for my sister's wedding, with full assurance that when I returned, I simply had to pick it up. However, to my dismay, there was a problem. I had received the visa transfer, but then it was taken away. I had now lost all my rights. Ivan and I went to the Extranjeria three times, trying to negotiate, and I even called the American Embassy. It all came down to poor communication, and misunderstanding. Nothing could be done at this point in time.
I was now considered a "tourist," a title I didn't care too much for, after living and working in Spain a few years now. ;) I am legally allowed to live in Spain for 90 days without any type of visa, with just my passport. Once Ivan and I had exhauste
On Thursday December 9th, I departed Malaga and landed back here in SoCal. This was a trial I wasn't planning on for sure. I now had to go back to SoCal and get my visa from scratch, starting all over again. The same tedious process from 2007, was now coming my way. However, it was a blessing in disguise. I definitely have to admit, I was elated to now be able to come home to my family, friends, and church family, for the holidays. For this, I was grateful to Jesus.
On Saturday December 18th, I spoke at the CC Moreno Valley Youth Christmas Dinner. The theme was: "The Greatest Story Ever Told." I basically shared on how big God is, and how He chose to come down Himself, to once again demonstrate His unconditional love for mankind. The night was filled with food, fellowship, photos being taken, give-aways,
I hit the ground running here in SoCal. Some of the things that had to take place, but not limited to were: My fingerprints being taken, obtaining money orders, filling out various applications and paperwork, a visit to the doctor for a medical exam, mailing documents to the FBI, and picking up my letter of acceptance from the school.
In closing, the various seasons of life can be confusing, and downright frustrating. We sometimes fail to see the bright side of things, or even forget God Himself in the midst of the seasons. Although, I am not happy concerning the visa situation, I worship and praise God for who He is, and for letting me come to my first home!
By His Grace,