William Carey (Pioneer Missionary) attempted, perhaps in response to John Newton's (Amazing Grace) bad advice, to sail to India without a visa (or license, as they called it then). Now, although the Captain of the ship had allowed Carey to board, when a warning of legal action came from the British authorities, Carey and the team had to disembark. They watched in tears, as the only apparent means of their getting to India pulled out of the harbor- without them! In Carey's latter years, he was very big on proper documentation and paperwork, to enter India legally. When people think of the Bible, they think it to be only a spiritual book. People tend to think the same way in regards to ministry, and especially when it comes to missions. However, when you read the Bible from cover to cover, it is also very practical for life here on earth. Those who have served in ministry and missions, have also quickly discovered the "practical side." During the month of January, I was once again pondered this truth...
On my journey continued, of collecting/obtaining all the necessary documents for the Spanish Consulate. Medical insurance was a must for the year. Then finally, after 5 weeks of waiting, I received my "Absence of police reco
On Thursday January 13th, I was asked to teach at CC Moreno Valley's Young Adult Study. The title of the message was "God's Missionary Heart." I shared on what missions is, and what it isn't. We also discussed what a missionary is, and what he/she isn't. I wanted to drive home the point of learning from the mistakes of those who have gone before us, in 2,000 years of Church History. Sometimes as Christians, we are more traditional/cultural in our approach, rather than Biblical.
I was also able to attend a Men's prayer meeting, Warriors for Christ, and Man to Man at CC Upland. On Wednesday January 12th, an opportunity to attend the last night of the Youth Worker's Conference, was presented at the Conference Center in Murrieta. Being able to reunite with some old youth pastor friends, was truly a privilege. I have come to appreciate the word "fellowship," again. Attending these functions while here, and also hooking up with old friends in between, has truly rejuvenated me personally.
In closing, I simply want to say "thank you" to my family, friends, and church family. With every single one of you, this missionary has felt your love, hospitality, and prayers!!
By His Grace,