The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 6:8a: "The end of a thing is better than its beginning..." How true this verse is in our lives walking with Jesus and serving in ministry. Well, it was a close of another year and my first semester serving here at Mallorca Bible School. December was a month of mixed emotions...
The first two weeks of December were the last two weeks of the Fall Semester here at the Bible College. Not only did we have to wrap up finals and classes, but also make sure the apartments were clean for the next semester. The staff and any remaining students also did one big church cleaning before the semester break. We also had a staff lunch and spent the day together.
It was hard to say goodbye to all the students, but it was comforting to know a good portion of them would be coming back in the spring. What a privilege and honor it was to be a small part of their lives with Jesus.
My Spanish lessons with my tutor Toni are going very well. I am learning so much from her and truly enjoy the journey of learning this new language. The ultimate goal of course is to share the gospel message with the people in their own tongue. It has been said before that "one's first language, is the language of their heart." I plan on continuing with my tutor and prayerfully I will be fluent in the language within the year.
My last two weeks of December as all of you know, was spent coming back to California. I was so happy to see my family and church family. My time in California was very refreshing. It was great to see all that God was doing on that side of the world as well. I was also happy to see the youth group doing well. Seeing their faces reminded me how privileged I was to be entrusted with overseeing them and teaching them God's written Words. I will always have a heart for those youth and will continue to pray for them.
In closing, I am looking forward to 2008 and what God will do in and through my life. I am reminded of what Joey Buran always says: "the best is yet to come!" I love you all and once again thank you for being there for me in your prayers and friendships!
Thank you for the wonderful update; know that you are in our prayers and we are confident that God will show Himself faithful to you for all your needs. He is good ALL THE TIME! It was really great seeing you last month and we really appreciated you taking the time out to come over and share some time with us. We miss you and love you very much, Little Brother. God bless you always and keep shining 'til we meet again.
In His Love,
The Castillo Clan
Eric, it was great seeing you over the holidays; I wish we had gotten together, but that will have to wait for another day (soon).
Keep serving in the manner you are, stay in touch and connected to our Lord through His Word & prayer, and I'm sure he will speak to your heart.
It really is awesome to hear that you are being led to Palma. I truly believe you are right where the Lord wants you, without question. I do pray for you, and the work God is doing through you.
In His Service,
Your big brother
Eric flo it was good to see you!!!!I was also glad to hear the exciting news you anounced at P.S's casa! we will be still be praying for you and the ministry the Lord has before you! Mike says hello and hopes things keep going good!~ amanda n mike
It was great getting to catch up with you during Christmas. We all miss you, especially your laugh! Atleast we'll have the memory of Lee's "bandaids" to get us through until next time we see you. You are constantly in our prayers as you are many others. You do not go to Spain alone, but with many who love you. And you are loved, brother.
In His Care,
Cream of Wheatley's Family
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