Monday, February 11, 2008

Learning New Things

Someone once said: "Unless we accept lifelong learning as a habit, we're shortening our lives." How true that is especially for the Christian. I am reminded of what Moses prayed to the Lord in Psalm 90:12: "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." As January marks the start of the new year of 2008, it marks yet another chapter in this God story. This month coming back after my two week visit to California, I continued in the things the Lord has set before me as well as learn some new things along the way...

I had the privilege of teaching God's Word many times this month. As Trevor (youth leader) was in California himself for the holidays, I was able to teach one Sunday morning as well as two Friday nights. It was such a privilege to answer their questions and just hang with them. This opportunity reminded me of how it used to be to teach youth, and how I really do miss this age group! I also taught four times for Pastor Rafael while he was in California and Germany. I taught on two Sunday mornings as well as evenings for the Spanish service. I hadn't taught the body here since last October and I was reminded of how gracious they are! It was also great to fellowship with people afterward and to just listen to how the Word of the Lord connected with their hearts as truth was spoken into their lives.

I also helped with many practical things this month to prepare for the spring semester students. Everything from church cleaning to running errands, putting up shelves to cleaning flats. With this came learning new things. I had to really learn to drive manual transmission in order to use the church cars for ministry purposes this month. Brenda (woman in charge of the flats)who gave me a refresher course, has survived to see another day! It was fun. I also met with Rick this month to continue learning the accounting tasks and bookeeping that will soon be handed over fully to me in regards to the church and school. So far, it is going well and we accomplished a lot for our first meeting. Steve Flores you are amazing and thank you for the lessons I learned from you in this field!

I also moved this month to the capital city of Palma. There are about 1 million people on this island and half of them live in the city. The city reminds me a lot of mainland Spain. I moved in with a 76 year old Peruvian man named Johnny. Johnny is 6 months old in the Lord and hungry for the Word of God. I met him at the church as he has been going there for three years. Although he speaks English, he told me this:"you give me the Bible, and I will give you Spanish." The Lord totally provided this place to live through many circumstances. I also see this as a ministry opportunity as well as another avenue to practice speaking Spanish.

In closing, the Lord also provided a car for me to commute in as well as to serve the body. It is a purple 95 Volkswagon Golf, which has become to be known as "the purple people eater." That is a crazy story as well! I continue to be amazed everyday as God continues to meet my needs every step of the way. How I enjoy being a missionary to this country of Spain! I love you all!

By His Grace,


White Flower said...


I'm SO blessed by hearing what is going on in Spain. I live vicariously through the bold and daring, so thanks for sharing your life. Please post more often... I check the blog several times a week and I'm let down when I don't see new postings :(

I don't care what you post, where you post, or how you post, just post ! It allow us here in the States to see how God is miraculously moving in your life.

I hope to visit Spain once again this year and I would love to visit Palma. Hopefully you can make some girlfriends in Palma who wouldn't mind hosting a crazy American girl : )


Mandy and Adrianna said...

the purple people eater!!?? Who came up with that!!?

Christina said...

The Purple People Eater! That's awesome haha...I'm going to have to see pictures of this. Talk about ask and you shall receive. God is sooo good!! Always a blessing to hear all He is doing in and through you TF. Can't wait for the next blog :)

Christina said...
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benzesla said...

eric! it's benz! que tal? so anyways, i read your blog and decided to create an account and leave a comment.
it's totally awesome what God is doing with you over there. i was especially blessed with the portion that involved you moving in with Johnny. oh how the Lord just puts things together!
it's a blessing to see the transitions and the different stories and experiences He has given you. i am in agreement with bianca! KEEP POSTING!
oh yeah, by the way... is that youth leader you're working with over there trevor wolf?
if it is tell him benz says, "whatsup." he and i got to know one another very well in oregon in 06 at mike sheppard's wedding! so yeah. tell him i said, "HOLA."
well God bless man and i will continue to pray for you and the people of spain! GRACE & PEACE! Titus 2:11-15

Nat Reyes said...

Hey Hermanito Eric,

You're blowing me away little brother; actually, it's the Lord who's blowing me away with the things that He's doing in and through you.

I've always known you were anointed to share and teach the Gospel; I see how you can easily relate to and connect with a generation that others find it difficult. Praise God, they need to know Jesus too...

Even from the first time I saw you give a message on one of our outreaches in downtown TJ. Do you remember that time? It's when Monique (Taxi's sister) got really sick from eating lobster.

Anyway, as the sister Bianca says, keep posting, anything, especially a couple pictures of the PPE (purple people eater). I'll keep you in prayer, You motivate and encourage Ray.

Prayerfully, he will be visiting you soon. As will I also someday,(for sure)

In His Service, Nat

Anonymous said...

what is up my brother? how are things going out in spain? well i am pretty sure that what i am about to tell you you did not know. Me and my family are moving out to Germany to be full-time missionaries in September.
Sorry that it has to be a short comment, but there is a little update on us.
i now have a blogspot for my family and i - i am learning all of the blog stuff - i like the way you have yours laid out - i need to learn from you - can you hook it up and teach me some