Solomon wisely wrote in Ecclesiastes 7:8: "The end of a thing is better than its beginning..." We see this principle true not only in ministry, but in our relationship with and to Jesus Christ. May was a month of closure and new beginnings for me personally...
The month of May marked the end of another semester at Bible college for the students as well as a new beginning for those who graduated. I loved teaching Missions again this past semester and watching the Gospel and God's Words work in and through the lives of the students. This semester Pastor Rafael taught a class entitled "Lessons in Ministry." The class was offered to the students but required for the staff. It was great to hear how God has worked in the life of Pastor Rafael and made him the man he is today. I learned many things throughout the class, was reminded of important lessons, and became more thankful to the Lord for putting me here to serve with Pastor Rafael.
This month I also started to take a venture of faith. Most of you know I served at Juvenile Hall for 3 years in California. I loved it and miss it greatly. That being said, I am currently going through the practical steps of getting approval to get access to the prison in Palma. The prison in Palma is not only the prison for Mallorca, but is the only prison for all the Balearic Islands. There is also a lot of other nations represented there. Please pray for favor with the Spanish authorities and diligence on my part to go through all the paperwork. One of the officers told Johnny that this is needed. Roman Catholic priests, Muslims, and teachers of Judaism are already going in.
In an effort to bring more structure to the Church and Bible school, Raf and the Board decided to put certain staff members as overseers of different departments of ministry. I will be overseeing administration and continuing to serve as the accountant. I am really excited about the changes and definitely think the new format will help things run smoothly and more efficiently.
In closing, I have been thinking lately about how it is a privilege to serve the Lord in any capacity. From church cleaning, giving people rides to church, or even being a newscaster in a Easter play:). This semester was a blast and I am looking forward to this summer! God continues to amaze me from month to month. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers and thoughts!
By His Grace,
Thanks for the updates : )
Have a blessed time in California. Give my regards to your family!
It's hard to believe that you've been in Spain for close to a year, time goes by quick. It's awesome to see how God has called you to Spain (1 Tim. 1:12), and what is cool God still has a lot more in store for you (2 Tim. 4:5).
Hey Eric,
Are you here, yet? Aren't you coming to your home in Calif. soon? You've been living in Spain for almost a year, now! Wow! Praise God! From your updates God is using you in a mighty way. He's answering our prayers. That's not a surprise, though. Hope we'll see you around. Bye...
Steve and Lori Magallanez (Spain prayer team)
muchas gracias for being he blessing that you were. The Lord is so good , and He allowed us students to be fully blessed by you teachers... im somjazzed bout the prison ministry, so go doooo it puesss! :)
It was great to see you and share a couple meals with you and your family. You look great bro, (same Pepsodent smile). It's great to hear the progress on your Spanish. The next time we share a meal together, we need to speak only Spanish. Que Dios te bendiga hermano!!!
Remember that the work that is before you was ordained and laid out by God. (Ephesians 2:10) Your job is to just listen to that still small voice, and do His will.
Keep connected by prayer, stay in THE WORD, and seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness. You konw what comes next; all those things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)
Blessings Bro,
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