Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
California Dreamin
The Lord has truly made a home for me here in Mallorca, Spain. A new life has been built for me out here. The Lord has provided new relationships, co-workers, friendships, a church family, Pastor to serve under, and building to work in. With all this comes new foods, laws, ways of doing things. Not to mention a new language with an entirely different culture. This list can go on and on. It has been a great learning/growing experience! However, there is no place like home. My last furlough had been one year ago, and my heart was starting to feel the distance. It was great to see the "old life" in the latter half of June and the entire of month of July. I was privileged to be able to go my home in SoCal, for a period of 5 weeks...
After the Ordination Service and conference, I departed with my parents on Friday June 19th to go back to CA. I had never been gone so long in my life thus far. I had come to feel in my element in Spain, not really a foreigner for the most part. When I arrived in SoCal, oddly enough I felt like a foreigner with a little bit of culture shock. A little out of place and turned inside out. The first night I arrived I was welcomed with the embraces and kisses of my 4 younger sisters. There was also "Welcome Home" signs and "Congratulations Pastor Eric" signs on the walls. I thought to myself, "I'm home."
I have been friends with Mike Turner for 10 years. I had the privilege of being instrumental in his coming to Christ. It has been a joy watching him grow and be used by God the way he has. Well, my furlough began with a rehearsal of his upcoming wedding day. Mike had asked me months before to be one of his best men alongside his brother and father. The wedding took place on Saturday June 27th. It went very well and the reception was really fun. Of course, I had to give a speech and let's just say God came through! I am truly excited for this new season/chapter of Mike's life.
As part of my wedding gift to Mike, I agreed to teach the youth on the first Sunday morning of July. It felt weird in some ways to be teaching in that context. I definitely felt like a guest speaker in my old youth group. I taught on Ecclesiastes 10:1-3 cross referenced with Judges 16, where we find the story of Samson and Delilah. The study was on the danger of allowing even a little foolishness into our lives. The message was titled, "It's not cool to be a fool."
On a practical note, some things need to be taken care of while also on furlough. With no Christian bookstores out here, I had to go book shopping for commentaries. I also had to renew my International Driver's Permit and pay a visit to the Dentist.
Missions Director Paul Roybal and his wife Cori hosted an open house in their home for me. It was an opportunity for my supporters, friends, and those interested in Spain to come and meet with me. The day
On a personal note, the Lord provided more opportunities than I expected to get to know my sister Amanda's boyfriend Brandon. What can I say? The guy gets two enthusiastic thumbs up! In the 5 weeks I was there, we also became really good friends. He was able to go on our family vacation and wake board, the two of us go and surf, spend the 4th of July together at the home of Souldog, and much more. I w
Pastor Randy asked me to teach in the sanctuary the last Sunday morning before I returned to Spain. I taught on Exodus 20:8-11. The study was on defining the Sabbath, and the importance of taking one. The message was titled, "Have the day off." We all had a great time as we poked fun at ourselves for being so busy in life and for God, that we truly forget to stop and "smell the roses."
Listen, I can go on and on. I truly had a time of rest and relaxation. I was also able to visit other churches, meet with old friends, family members, eat a lot, and do tons of fun things. In some ways I acted like a tourist in Cali! A joy it also was to be there for Amanda's B-Day, Father's Day, and my Dad's B-Day!
So, I departed back to Spain Monday July 27th with a bitter/sweet feeling. Although I am very happy to be back here in Spain, until next time I will be California Dreamin...
By His Grace,
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ordination Day
God called Jeremiah and said in Jeremiah 1:5:"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." It is an amazing thing to consider that God knew each one of us before we were born. On top of that He does have a plan for our existence here on earth. God has used this verse and this chapter many times in my walk with Him. I sensed His call to be a Pastor back in October 1999 at the age of 17. For a majority of the time since then I had struggled whether I really heard from God or not...
The month of June started out with 2 days of major spring cleaning of the church building. Everything was done from painti
I was also able to teach on another Sunday morning for Raf as well as teach at the Spanish service that night. As always it was truly a blessing to impart the truths of God to the people of Santa Ponsa Community Church.
My parents arrived here on June 11th with the intention of staying here for one week. As I mentioned a couple of newsletters ago, they came because they wanted to be a part of the Ordination Service. I hadn't seen them for one year in person. It was a great reunion. They had never been to Spain or Europe. It was such a joy to show them around the island and the world I had been living in for nearly 2 years. I couldn't believe they were actually here meeting the people, staff, and Pastor Raf along with his wife Loretta. God is so good.
We also had a conference called the "The Reality of Christianity." It started Tuesday June 16th and ended Thursday June 18th. The theme verse was Galatians 6:9: "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." The speakers had 2 objectives. They were to do a Bible study on this verse. Secondly, since they had all been involved with ministry for 20 or more years, Jimmy and I asked them to get practical in the 2nd session. The question went something like this: "What would the older version of yourself tell the younger version of yourself?" In other words, what are some things you wish you knew as a young Christian/Pastor. It took a lot work to host our very first conference and praise God it went well! Once again, the team here pulled together.
Then June 17th came. Ordination Day and the 2nd day of the conference. Jimmy and I picked out a few worship songs to be played. Pastor Raf gave an incredible message on Ordination. He first spoke on what it wasn't, and then what it was. He concluded by giving Jimmy and I a charge on the responsibility of being a Pastor. Next, he spoke about how he saw the call on my life and then Jimmy's life. We went up after individually to have the Pastors lay hands on us to pray. The 5 Pastors were: Rafael Manzanares(CC Mallorca), Ivan Martos(CC El Rincon), Joe Holden(CCBC Murrieta), Dave Shirley(CCBC Director), and Louie Monteith(CC Norco/Go!Ministries). I couldn't have asked God for a better Ordination service or day! So, 9 years and 8 months later it became official. It came to fruition. God's timing is truly perfect. Later that night Phil Twente(missions pastor) of CC Costa mesa arrived. He brought Jimmy and I up to pray for us. He anointed us with oil on the right thumb, ear, and toe. This was done when the priests were anointed for ministry to Israel in Leviticus 8:23-24.
In closing, a lot of things have been said to me after the Ordination. Good things, really nothing negative. Things like: "So, your a Pastor now." I thought about this statement and think, "yes and no." The truth is I have been doing the work of a pastor, teaching the Bible, and preaching the gospel for almost 10 years. For 8 years I was involved with the youth ministry of CC Upland and in God's eyes I was a pastor to those teens. The things I did before June 17, are the same things I am currently doing after June 17th. Now, man recognizes the calling as well as I am legally a Pastor for other practical aspects of pastoral ministry.
Out of all the Bible characters, David comes to mind. Anointed and ordained by Samuel the prophet to be King of Israel in 1 Samuel 16. Some say David was in his teens or early twenties. It is not until 10 years later Judah acknowledges it in 2 Samuel 2. Then the men of Judah anointed him. Finally in 2 Samuel 5 the rest of Israel acknowledges it and anoints him again at the age of 30. Anointed 3 times. The first time was Ordination and the other 2 times was a Coronation. According to the Lord, I believe the first time counted. David was just being trained as well as learning what it meant to shepherd God's people. As Pastor Louie said to me: "This service is more for us." Either way, it is a new season/chapter in my life as it was in David's life. I am truly humbled and excited. God help me to always remember I am what I am because He ordained it so before I was in my mother's womb...
By His Grace,
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