One of the first two Bible verses I learned when I was younger, continues to speak to me today. Proverbs 3:5-6 declares: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths." The NIV version says He will make your paths straight. Last newsletter, I had mentioned that I had some monumental decisions to make concerning my future in the country of Spain. Once again, the Lord showed me He is never early, and He is never late. In fact, He is always right on time. The month of December was not only the end of the Fall semester, but the revealing of new things...
On Saturday December 12th, we had a Christmas Carol Service at the church. It was a night filled with fellowship, food, friends, the Word of God, and of course tons of music! I had the privilege of giving the message. The text I used was Luke 2:8-14. I focused in on the latter part of verse 14. God by sending Jesus to earth, really did demonstrate what His "goodwill" towards men looked like. I also ended my series entitled: "Why the Bible?" with the youth group. Our new youth leader will be arriving in January...
Thursday December 17th, marked the end of yet another semester. It was my fifth one here at the Bible college. I was privileged to be able to teach the book of Ecclesiastes for the third time. For various reasons, it was decided that we wouldn't offer Missions this semester. Here on the mission field, it truly has been an honor to be able to also be used by God to impact the next generation.
December 17th, also marked the day I left for my furlough to SoCal. Due to the generosity of my parents, I was able to come home and spend the holidays with them. I had not been home for Christmas or New Year's for 2 years. It truly was a joy!
One of the things the Lord blessed me with in being in SoCal, was the engagement of my sister Amanda and my future brother-in-law Brandon. On Sunday night December 27th, Brandon popped the question! I am so happy for them both.
On Monday December 28th, I was able to attend the Missions prayer meeting at CC Upland. What encouraged me the most, was simply seeing the faces of the faithful few who attend these meetings regularly. There prayers mean so much to me. Thanks to you all:)
Well, in regards to the decision of where in Spain God wants me. Through much prayer, thinking, reading my Bible, various circumstances, remembering things God spoke to me before I even arrived on the field, and the counsel of family and friends, my decision was made and solidified. Here it goes... I will be moving to El Rincon de la Victoria to come alongside Ivan and Eunice! My commitment will be done in August here in Mallorca, making it 3 years here. My prayer is that I would finish these last months well and that God would prepare me for the "next step" on this journey/adventure.
Half of my furlough went into January. Next newsletter I will share with you more of the wonderful things I was privileged to be a part of while out in SoCal.
Sometimes, I feel like I have two lives. One in SoCal, and the other one here in Spain. Through the opening of doors to be able to take furloughs, God has blessed me with the best of both worlds...
By His Grace,
It was such a blessing to spend time with you brother!
You always bless me with your messages and with your understanding of God word. Scott@Souldog
Even I prefer staying at home...rather then traveling to various places....Home is the best place to relax and be in peace.
holidays in spain
The feeling is mutual my friend. Thanks again for your generosity and friendship!
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