Someone once said: "If you ever want to make God laugh, then tell Him your plans." Knowing what the Bible teaches concerning the character and nature of God, I know this laughter is not condescending. Rather, the Bible teaches He is good. The Scriptures also show is He is very much interested and involved in giving us good things. So in light of these truths, laughter is only logical. Think about it, here is the God of the universe who not only loves us, but really does have a specific plan for our lives! I pondered all this in the month of January, as 2010 got underway...
As mentioned last newsletter, my winter furlough went into the beginning of January. On Sunday January 3rd, I was able to visit CC Norco. Pastor Louie Monteith oversees Go! Ministries, and was a part of my ordination last June. It truly has been a pleasure building a friendship with Louie. Later that day, my family and I went to spend the afternoon with the Franco's (Brandon's Family). I was finally going to meet Brandon's older brother Frankie. Like last time, I personally had a blast! Not only great food, but honestly great fellowship. We even had some fun and played a little catchphrase. God is so good. I truly look forward to the wedding day of my sister Amanda and Brandon. The future truly is bright!
On Monday January 5th, I went out to the the annual Missions Conference in Murrieta. Pastor Raf had the privilege of doing a main session, teaching and encouraging missionaries from all over the world. Some friends, three of my sisters, and Brandon accompanied me. He did a great job and everyone was truly ministered to. It also felt great to represent Spain.:)
The next evening, I was given the opportunity to teach at CC Upland. My message was entitled "Take a chance." The Scriptures were Ecclesiastes 11:1-4 and Acts 16:6-10. The gist of my message, was that God will ask us to take ventures in faith or risks in our lives. Missions definitely is "risk-taking." I also shared how God guided the apostle Paul through closed doors. Paul was denied twice to go to certain locations on his Missionary journeys. We can conclude that God guides us just as much by hindrance. Timing is everything.
The next night on January 7th, I was honored to guest speak at CC Moreno Valley. My friend Raymond and I were able to join Pastor Sammy Martinez for dinner beforehand. Sammy now served the college/career group. He had asked me to come and share with them. I taught on fruitfulness, unity, carnality, and putting men on pedestals. The title was "Plow, Plant, Water, Reap." My main text was out of 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. What a word from God for us Pastors and Missionaries! The mission field of Spain truly is God's! After the Bible Study, many people came up for prayer. I really enjoy those times in ministry, just to be able to talk to Jesus with my brothers in Christ. I was also able to reunite with Pastor Mark Avila, who I affectionately call my "Father in the Faith." I hadn't seen him for almost 3 years. He truly made an impact on me when I served as a youth pastor
On Saturday January 9th, I went to CC Montebello for a wedding. The youth pastor Joseph Totsis was marrying Amy Sandoval. I met Joseph years ago and always appreciated hanging out with him. The last time I saw him, was at my going away party before I left for Spain. Joseph and Amy will be serving together as missionaries to Japan! The ceremony was awesome and as usual Pastor Pancho Juarez was hilarious:) I pray God's best for their future together! At the reception, I also ran into an old friend. What a small world! One of my sisters also spotted Pastor Victor and his wife Sonia Mayoral of La Posada. They serve as missionaries in Mexico. I have tons of great memories with them, considering I used to take the youth group down there annually. I have tons of funny stories from those years.:) Right now, for those who know what I am talking about: "Gloria a Dios."
I arrived back in Mallorca on Friday January 15th. I literally hit the ground running with only 2 weeks until the Spring Semester began for Mallorca Bible School. I had a lot of Accounting/bookkeeping to do for the close of the year. We had a board meeting coming up, as well as the AGM Meeting for the church. I also went back to the prison. It was great to reunite with the guys. For the last two weeks in January instead of a Bible study, Raf and I broke off from each other just to do one on one visits. This was also good to practice my Spanish.:)
On Sunday January 31st, we had Orientation for the students in between services. It was a crazy day to say the least, but a blessed one. This would mark the beginning of my 6th semester here at MBS, and the close of my 3rd school year. Every semester seems to go by faster and faster. I have truly learned, and continue to learn to live in the moment. Looking around the sanctuary, I could tell it would be a good semester.
In closing, may we learn to laugh at ourselves. You have to admit looking back on our lives, God's plan really has been better than our own. As this new year approaches, thank Him for answered prayer according to His will...
By His Grace,
Hey Eric!
I ran into Sam the other weekend at a retreat :) It was so good to see her.
I love your updates and hope all is well with you!!!
Hey Broham! Awesome to hear all is well! love the slideshow! Im praying as well as the family and friends..I miss you and I love you lots!!
yo lil sis fo life
Thanks for the always encouraging comments. All is well with me and I hope the same for you. Looks like you are pretty busy! Peace out no doubt!
Panda Express!
Thanks. I miss you so much! I feel like it has been centuries since we last spoke. Hopefully talk to you soon and I love you. By the way, love the engagement photos. Especially the one with a little hide and go seek action!
HEY ERIC! Im glad to see all is well! Its been busy busy over here with all the planing ...Can't wait for the summer! I wanna try and do a lil surf safari before the wedding which would be cooooool if you could come along! I need to figure out this skpe so I can talk to ya! Ill try and figure it out .. Prayin for you brother FO REAL! haha
Much love,
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