J. Oswald Sanders in his book Spiritual Leadership wrote: “The true test of a person’s leadership is the health of the organization when the organizer is gone." Not only are we to do a good job in our service to the Lord, but in training somebody up to take over when God moves us on. The month of March was a time to raise somebody else up to take one of my positions. I believe this is further evidence that we truly do care for the people God has put in front of us to serve. To truly care what happens, even after we are long gone. A few times in the NT, the Christian life has been described as a race. Definitely not a sprint, but a marathon. Also like relay racing involving a baton, we must pass on what we have learned to others to further His Kingdom and further His work of the gospel on earth. What a joy to see others take it and run with it. As a result, the natural cry of your heart as a fellow runner is: "GO, GO, GO!"
March 1st- March 5th we took the students to Rome. This was my third time going since living here in Mallorca, but my first time leading the trip. It was very reminiscent of leading youth on trips. Loretta and Jimmy helped me plan and administrate. Loretta and I were the only ones on the staff to go. A couple from Canada who were visiting Mallorca, also joined us. By far, this was my favorite trip to Rome. We had devotions every morning before we got the
day started. We went through the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). What is so wonderful about Rome is the mixture of history, Church history, Bible history, and the incredible sights. Our desire every time we go to Rome, is that the trip would be educational and fun for the students. Every time I go, my hope and prayer is that the Romans, would read the book of Romans in the Bible. Therein they would find what they are looking for...Salvation through Jesus Christ!
On Tuesday March 16th, I started training our newest intern Serge Hol. Serge is originally from Holland, and just graduated from the Bible College in Murrieta in December of last year. He went to Bible College here 3 of the 4 semesters. He actually was in my Ecclesiastes class in the Fall of 08. It is always a joy to see Bible college graduates serving our Lord afterward.
Serge will now be doing all the practical things in regards to the finances of the Church and Bible College. The day to day administrative things. This will include trips to the bank. I actually will miss this aspect of my job, due to developing some friendships with some of the workers. By the end of March, Serge was already doing pretty much everything on his own. He still has had questions for me, but I don't mind as we seek to serve His people well. I am confident in our Lord that Serge is the man for the job!
On Monday March 29th, we had two functions for the Bible College students. We took them to the mountains of the island to do the "Extreme Hike." It definitely lives up to its name, as people have actually died and have been injured on this excursion. Don't get me wrong, the views are breathtaking. What blesses me the most however, is the team work between the students and staff. Everyone genuinely looked out for each other, and made sure no one got hurt. The patience executed by the students was incredible, considering there were boulders as big as houses! The day ended with a BBQ hosted at one of the homes of some members of the church. It is a beautiful thing to see, when relationships are formed between the Church and Bible college.
In closing, may we also seek to give opportunities for others to share in the joy of service to our King. Some of the greatest times in life is not only spending time with Jesus, but serving Him with others...
By His Grace,
Broham!! I miss you!! Im glad to hear all is well with the training and raising up! God is good! Im excited to see this new chapter of your life begin...also praying for you and marlene always!! I LOVE YOU So MUCH!!
love always, panda express
Miss you too Panda!!! I am excited for this new chapter as well. Thanks for your prayers and I love you!!!
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