Someone once said: "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." Dawson Trotman said: "The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started." The month of September was a time of starting from scratch. Everything was new again. This includes but not limited to: making new friends, new church family, new routine, new home, new surroundings, new responsibilities, and new relationships in general. The fact of the matter is, although everything was going great in Mallorca, a restlessness was in my heart. It was very reminiscent of my time in SoCal, before departing to Mallorca...
On Wednesday September 1st at CC Upland, we had a night dedicated to Spain. One of the things in the mind of the leadership, was to re-introduce the vision of Spain to the congregation. That night, we showed most of the DVD of our mission trip back in February 2004. After this presentation: Paul and Cori Roybal, Pastor Randy and Jeanette Walls, and myself took the stage. We wanted to try something different, and provide a more relaxed and casual atmosphere for the evening. The journey began back in August 2001... it was a great time as we each shared from a different perspective on the journey. The church was better educated to how I got to where I am today, and how Ivan and Eunice got to where they are today. Personally, God used this to mak
On Sunday September 5th, I also did something different than on past furloughs. Paul Roybal had suggested that during both morning services I share with the children a little bit about Spain and the mission, then present an opportunity to answer questions. Let me just say... it was really fun to do!! One question even was: "What language do they speak in Spain?" Hey, you gotta love the honesty kids have!! Afterwards I went in the Sanctuary, and summed up what I was currently doing in Spain. Josh Sayles who is the youth pastor of CC Upland also asked me to come speak to the teens. I basically shared some of the same things, but went ahead and challenged the youth with the idea of missions, and the 5 basic ways the entire world sees God. Josh then went ahead, and did a Bible study on missions out of John's gospel. Hearing Josh, a thought crossed my mind... the youth are in good hands. Praise Jesus as He continues to work in the lives of the youth at the church!
On Wednesday September 8th I departed SoCal and arrived back here in Spain on Thursday September 9th. Ivan picked me up from the airport... it was great to see him a
Starting all over again, included a lot of practical things that needed to be done. I had to transfer all my possessions from Ivan's house over to my pad, unpack everything, then put everything in its place, throw many things in the trash, do a lot of cleaning, grocery shopping, and Ivan also showed me how some of the utilities worked. In the midst of all this, I truly experienced the love of the church, Ivan and Eunice, and both of their families. Church members warmly welcomed me back, and donated everything from towels, to pillows, to an iron, to dishes. Ivan and Eunice also took me to Ikea, to purchase what was lacking in my apartment, and to help me find items at good prices. Due to wanting to create more space in my studio apartment, and not needing two pieces of large furniture, Tio Pepe and Ivan came on over. We broke everything down and took it all to storage.
On Thursday September 16th and Friday September 17th, I had to go to the language school for level placement. There are a total of 5 levels, and once you finish, you are considered fluent in that language. The official school of languages in Malaga, offers over twelve languages... and English class was the most packed! I honestly didn't mind starting in level two or even one, it is good to have the basics down. However, for various reasons they did not offer the traditional written test for placement. Instead, they did oral interviews. So, after mine was done, I was placed in level 3 intermediate. On Thursday September 23rd we had an introduction class. My actual first day of class was Monday September which I also had to go purchase two books. I will write more on language study in future newsletters...
On Friday September 17th and Thursday September 30th, Ivan and I had to go to the Extranjeria for more visa stuff. This is always a tedious process, but necessary for any missionary who wants to do things legally and righteously in their service to the Lord. Ivan and I also got together a couple of times, to brainstorm and plan the Church Retreat. We had five possible themes and ideas of what we could do once up there. We both were mutually pumped after the meeting...
Starting over can be tough, but it can also be an exciting time. Maybe you can relate... God has put something in your heart. To take a step of faith, and try something new or different with your life. I challenge you today, pray and see if Jesus would have you "start." Sometimes you never know, unless you try...
By His Grace,
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