David Livingstone (Scottish Missionary) originally desired to serve in China, God called him to Africa. Adoniram Judson (American Missionary) wanted to bring Christ to India, Jesus wanted him in Burma. C.T. Studd (English Missionary) served Jesus in China for 10 years. He came home to England for 5 years afterwards. On the deathbed of C.T.'s father, C.T. made a promise to him, to bring the gospel to India. C.T. ended up pastoring a church in India for 6 years. The Lord then lead him to come home to England for 6-7 years. Ultimately, C.T. was led to go to the Congo (Africa) for 17 years. C.T. ended up dying in the Congo. In Acts 16:6-10, the apostle Paul with his team, tried to bring the gospel to Asia, and then to Bithynia. The Holy Spirit forbade them, and did not permit it. Turned down twice, although valiant efforts. A vision appears to Paul at night, a man in Macedonia appears and pleads for help. The Apostle, then concludes to preach the gospel to them. Pastor David Guzik pastored CC Simi Valley for 20 years, then went to Siegen, Germany for 7 years as a missionary. He recently returned last summer, to take over CC Santa Barbara from Pastor Ricky Ryan. Pastor Brian Brodersen started serving at CC Costa Mesa for a few years, then pastored CC Vista for 13 years, then planted a
On Wednesday February 2, I had to make more copies of security papers, an airline reservation had to be made, and my medical insurance plan needed to be confirmed. On Thursday February 3, I made my second trip to the Spanish Consulate in LA. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the "Letter of Acceptance" from the the Language School in Malaga. There were a few elements missing from the Letter, not to mention the wrong dates. It turns out, I needed to re-register at the Language School in Malaga. On Friday February 4th, Ivan and Eunice went to the school, to basically fill out paperwork to re-apply for the Spring Semester. This paperwork had to be processed, and then I had to obtain an updated "Letter of Acceptance." This of course took more "waiting." F
I drove home thinking..."Well it will take 4-7 weeks to hear an answer." At this point in my drive, I just felt relieved to finally just wait for a "yes" or "no" from the Spanish Consulate and ultimately Jesus. A couple hours later, the Spanish Consulate called my house. This came as a surprise, considering they normally don't do that. Basically, they made contact to inform me, that I wouldn't be able to get a long-term visa. The bright side, was I didn't have to wait 4-7 weeks to get my answer, Jesus graciously through the Spanish Consulate gave it to me that day. My conscience was clean and clear before God and man, that I tried my best to get this visa. The door was simply closed, no matter how hard I knocked, kicked, and pushed on it...
On Sunday February 6, I was given the opportunity to teach the youth with the college/career group at CC Pico Rivera. The Scriptures I taught were from Ecclesiastes 4:1-3;9-12. The message was entitled: "Life is not fair." I focused in on life not being fair here on earth, but not to be preoccupied with that fact. We also discussed the importance of friendships, and doing life with others. Everyone was really receptive, and I had some great conversations afterwards with the kids.
On Sunday February 13th, I taught at a High School Retreat hosted by CC Moreno Valley. There were 10 CC youth groups there, with 440 kids!! The theme was: "Overflow." At the Friday night session, one of the leaders shared with me over 170 kids got saved! He went on to share with me, that on Saturday night the kids were just broken and even co
On Saturday February 19th, I taught at CC Upland, for a High School event called: R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. The night consisted of a game, fellowship, guest worship by CC Moreno Valley, and a Bible Study. My message was entitled: "Fear Factor." The main text was on 1 Samuel 21, where King David acted like a fool because he feared man, rather than God. I discussed different types of phobias in the world today, some legitimate and some bizarre. We also looked at the definition of "fear" in the Bible. The crux of the study, was dealing with fear of man issues. I encouraged and exhorted the kids to replace that fear with faith, and fear God instead.
I am sure glad that the Holy Spirit is also called "Helper" by Jesus. He among other things, helps us to make wise and right decisions with our lives. David Livingstone went on to become a great explorer in Africa, besides being a missionary. He drew up many maps, helping future travelers to find their way around the continent. Among other contributions to Burma, Adoniram Judson translated the entire Bible into the Burmese language. When the apostle Paul planted that church in Macedonia, it not only became one of the best churches in the NT, but one of the most generous in Paul's missionary journeys/endeavors. One thing is certain, when God closes doors in your life, He simultaneously is opening new ones to walk through. During this trying time of the door being closed in Spain, new doors of opportunity have opened to me! I am scared and excited all at the same time. In the next newsletter, I will share what that looks like exactly. Be of good courage saints, He loves you and hasn't forgotten you!!
By His Grace,
hey eric!
what can i say but, WOW!
we do serve an amazing GOD whose will is Sovereign!
Know that He has prepared steps for you to walk in!
please keep in touch!
Joey ROper
Amazing! My favorite thus far! I am going to share it with several of the missionaries out here that are facing some closed doors in their life right now. I know that it will be a source of encouragement for them. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Dios Es Fiel!
Thanks for the encouraging words! Definitely will keep in touch!!
Ms. Luz!
Thanks for reading and your very welcome! I do hope it is used for just that...encouragement. Lord knows missionaries really need it.
Yari sent me your blog this morning! Just wanted to let you know that it was a great source of encouragement for me as I could relate to much of what you shared and just being in that place of a closed door awaiting what God wants to open up next! Thanks for sharing and for the example you are to the body of Christ and the world! God is good, faithful, always has our best in mind and will keep directing you!! Bendiciones, Rachel
Thanks for your kind words!! I really needed to hear them!!! I sincerely hope good things for you. Your right God is very good!!
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