The parables of Jesus. A compilation of short simple stories, drawn from everyday life and experiences on earth, to illustrate truths from the kingdom of Heaven. From these parables, we also get some insight into the teaching style of Jesus. He was Biblical, practical, and at times humorous. Jesus used even wit and sarcasm, to hit on points close to home. In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Jesus is instructing on not wasting the talents, gifts, and spiritual gifts He has given each one of us. This of course, encompasses part of the point of the parable, not all of it. Two of the three characters in our story, went and multiplied what their Master gave them. In response, the Master states twice: "Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter in to the joy of your lord." We note that Jesus doesn't prize success, but faithfulness. A principle, we see throughout the whole of Scripture. This parable came alive like never before in the month of May...for it was my final month in Spain as a full-time missionary...
I accompanied the Gonzales family from Monday May 2 to Wednesday May 4th to Toledo. As mentioned in the previous newsletter, this family was gracious enough to invite me. Not only was the fello
On Thursday June 5th, Carlos Fernandez (agent) came over to discuss my contract for my apartment. Everything went favorably, considering I had to break my one year contract prematurely. He had no intentions of expecting payment for that, and even reminded me of not having to pay my last month! God's provision comes in so many different ways!
Once again, many practical things and leg work had to take place. On Friday May 13th, Ivan and I weighed my heaviest box and obtained prices from the post office. We also researched 4 other companies to compare prices. Through the month, I continued to pack my belongings, trash stuff, put aside clothes for donation, put aside items for Ivan and Eunice, Carlos taking pictures of my pad for the website, and cleaning. Multiple times, I had to also deal with Telefonica. This was the contract for my internet and land line, negotiatin
Now, the car...oh the car. Besides speaking with different church members, I put my car on a Spanish website to see if I might have more success. On Saturday May 28th, Antonio and I traveled to 10 different lots, in 4 different industrial locations around the city of Malaga. The car was hard to sell for 4 basic reasons. First of all it was 16 years old, and had too many kilometers on it. Spaniards in general, prefer their cars to run on diesel and be stick shift. My car ran on gasoline and was automatic.
On Monday May 30th, Tio Pepe accompanied me to Trafico (DMV), to inquire about other matters. Later that day, I finally got rid of my car! Basically, sold it to a scrapyard and they were able to give me what all the other lots were offering. God's provision came through again, as I was able to receive a 75% refund from my car insurance company.
On Sunday May 22nd, I was pleasantly surprised by a farewell party! Ivan, Eunice, and the whole church, were really good about keeping it secret and tricking me. Ivan's mom, with the help of others made a great Spanish lunch. The main course was paella! Antonio and Alicia decorated, with the theme being: "Rock and Bible." Ivan and Eunice left out a journal for everyone to write in it, a camera to take pictures throughout the afternoon, and a game was played. Eunice passed out a bunch of questions, to see how well the church knew me. A prize was given to the winner. Afterwards, I was interviewed by Eunice, to see how well I knew the church by identifying different possessions. At the end, we all watched a slide show of th
On Sunday May 8th and Sunday May 29th, I was privileged to join the Arevalos family for lunch. On Saturday May 21st, I went with Ivan and Eunice to have lunch in the home of Maria Luisa and her daughter Lola. On Friday May 20th, we had our final Men's Discipleship meeting. Afterwards, all the men went out for dinner, and enjoyed one another's company walking along the boardwalk. It is in these times of meals and fellowship, that I will cherish and miss the most, in regards to ministering in El Rincon de la Victoria.
On Tuesday May 31st, Ivan came over and helped me finish taping off my boxes. We left my apartment, and I moved into Ivan's home. On Wednesday June 1st, there was much to do, considering it was my final day. Eunice and Samuel joined me on th
On Thursday June 2nd, I said goodbye one last time to Eunice and Samuel. Ivan drove me to the airport...there it was "adios." Later that night I arrived back in SoCal.
One of the things I shared with the church, was my original vision for why I came to El Rincon de la Victoria. I wanted to basically find "excuses" to get the gospel into the community through: the prison, the hospital, orphanage, soup kitchen, and a "tent-making" job. Alongside this, I desired to go to language school, help with the church, and be a "Barnabas" to Ivan. However, God had other plans...I now hope and pray that the church will rise up to the occasion and take a step of faith.
In closing, this is my final post and newsletter for Spain Archives. I now reflect on the past three and a half years, wondering if I accomplished everything I originally set out to do. I peruse past newsletters, slide shows, remember the years leading up to August 2007, and glance at my final slideshow. The answer is "yes" and "no." One must define success though...for faithfulness is success in God's eyes. Faithfulness and success, is also taking that initial step of faith and "going." Proverbs 20:6 states: "Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?" I simply want to hear from my Master Jesus on that day we meet in Heaven..."Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter in to the joy of your lord." For all who have been a part of this one, my mission is accomplished through Jesus. Ciao!
By His Grace,
I read this.
I love you man. Job well done. Many great things await you and I'm excited to see what God has for you. This is just the beginning.
I know you love Spain, but now you are here in the US. The Lord has work for you to do here, we are so proud of your willingness to submit to the Lord's call whether you are in Spain or in the US. We love you.
Love you too broham!! Thanks for the kind and encouraging words. I am continually blessed by your friendship!
Thank you so much, it means a lot to me. I have appreciated you and your family so much through the years. I love you all as well!
I just want to encourage you to read towards the end of John 21. Jesus told Peter, "You follow Me."
I know that is what you are doing and I am super blessed by it! Continue following Him!
Keep Him as your passion!
Love in Jesus bro!
Dude, thanks for always pointing me to Jesus! Yes, I want to continue following Him, wherever He takes me in this crazy world! Continue shining bright in Germany!!
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