Saturday, September 13, 2008

One Year Later

Paul the Apostle wrote to the church in Ephesus: "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." It has always fascinated me that God not only wants to save our lives, but also use our lives. How sad it is that many Christians have the free gift of salvation, but are not walking in His plan for their lives. They are not fulfilling the purposes of God, but their own. Not doing those good works He has specifically prepared and planned beforehand for them to walk in. Last month I thought about this verse a lot. August 17th marked one year that I have been here on the mission field of Mallorca, Spain...

At the beginning of August, Pastor Rafael went to Dublin, Ireland to do some ministry and then had some vacation time. I had the privilege of teaching three Sunday mornings at the church to fill in for him. I took the congregation through a series of studies I simply entitled "Why the Bible?" Through the course of three weeks we went through arguments skeptics and critics have concerning the Bible. I sensed that God led me in this direction for a few reasons. One of those reasons was many people over the years left the church because they said that Raf and the church were too much into the "Word of God." That was the reputation given to Raf and the ministry in Santa Ponsa. My heart was that the people would know why they believe what they believe. The church ended up recording all three studies. I was happy to hear that some of them were anxious to mail them back to the United Kingdom for friends and family to hear. Especially those who didn't believe that the Bible was true. Prayerfully more lives will be touched and transformed by His Words.

As I have mentioned in past newsletters, I share the responsibility of being a taxi for Jesus by giving people rides to church and back to their homes every week. Every Sunday night since March/April of this year I have been picking up Nicolas, a 51 yr. old Mallorquin. Every week I get to practice my Spanish with him and he practices his English with me. Over the months we have developed a friendship. As a result he has opened up to me about his life. There were a few instances where he didn't want to come to the Spanish service any longer. Pastor Raf has shared the gospel with him and he has heard many Bible studies over the months. Well, during the last week of August I was really sensing the Lord telling me to pop the question and ask Nicolas if he would like to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. So, on Sunday night August 31st, after service I shared with Nicolas the gospel in Spanglish and then showed him some evangelistic verses in the Bible in Spanish. I also have the "sinner's prayer" in the back of my Spanish/English Bible, and there in my car Nicolas received Jesus! It was a very special moment for both of us. Since then Nicolas has been trying to read the Bible on his own. The Gospel of Luke is where he has started.

On September 1st, Johnny and I went to the prison in Palma. Raf and I finally had all the papers necessary to mail to the Ministry of Justice in Madrid. While at the prison, a former inmate of 6 years started a conversation with Johnny sharing his hardships in there. Johnny shared with him what I would be doing in the prison and he was very happy about that. He also said many foreigners were in there who didn't know Spanish. They have it the worst, as fellow inmates and guards make fun of them and give them a hard time. As I am waiting to see if I am approved, please pray that I would receive favor from the Spanish government. I really want to get in there.

Looking back at all the photos and newsletters I have posted this past year, God has done in and through my life above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined or even prayed for. I know God doesn't need me here, but I know that He loves me and wants me here. I think of how much I would have missed out on if I didn't leave my home in California and come here to Spain last year. I am sincerely looking forward to the next year here in Mallorca, Spain. All glory to Jesus Christ who uses sinners who are saved by His grace to extend that same grace to others! May I also encourage you to walk into those good works He has for you this coming year!

By His Grace,


Ruben Vasquez said...

Hey Bro! Just reading your comments, I'm excited to see what God is doing in and through your life. Me? I'm getting ready for the Youth Pastors meeting on the 30th, well Bro God Bless, IHS Ruben Vasquez

Ruben Vasquez said...
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Ruben Vasquez said...
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Amanda said...

Hola Eric Flo,
It was good to hear about whats going on. We will be lifting up the Prison ministry too! God bless you!!!

Amanda "Prancing" Price & Mike