Solomon wrote in his latter years in Ecclesiastes 3:1: "To everything there is a season, a time
for every purpose under heaven." The month of September was definitely the beginning of a familiar season...
The students arrived last month for the Fall semester of Bible College. For a majority of the students, it is their first semester. The students are also very young this semester, with a majority of them being anywhere from eighteen to twenty-one years old. I began remininiscing about my first semester in Bible College, which was eight years ago. It was a very hard and humbling semester, but the Lord won my heart even more. The lessons I learned were priceless. My prayer is that they would seize the moment and enjoy God and all He has for them this semester.
I am teaching Missions again, and Ecclesiastes for the very first time. So far, it has been a privilege to teach these students. Every time I teach Missions, the Lord reignites a fire within me about Missions and specifically Spain. I can definitely relate to Hudson Taylor and his passion for China. He would often say: "If I had 1,000 lives, I'd give them all for China."
As I mentioned last newsletter, Johnny and I went to the prison on September 1st to turn in all the necessary paperwork. They were going to possibly call at the end of September, they didn't. I know right now is a "season" of waiting. Please continue to pray that the Lord would get me in there, to minister that is:)
At the end of last month Mike was admitted to the hospital for some mental issues/problems. I actually received a call from him from the hospital as he was being admitted. Mike has had a series of episodes over the years due to his past addictions. I also believe a definite element of spiritual warfare is involved. Please also pray for him. I have visited him a few times as he seems to being doing better. He was released from the hospital yesterday. I will keep you posted. He has continued to become very dear to my heart. You might remember me mentioning Mike in past newsletters as well as seeing him in some photos.
Mike is one of the people I pick up for Church on Sunday mornings. I am currently going through Romans with him on a weekly basis, and he faithfully attends the Thursday night Home Fellowship I teach at in Palma. All this to say, our relationship has become so close, with the Lord in the center of it. Mike has also grown close to PJ and Nell (hosts of the home Bible study) as well as Rick and Monica (attend the home fellowship). All six of us have also hung out with Mike in social settings. We have done a lot of things together the past year: beach volleyball, going to the movies, eating out, swimming in the Mediterranean, and going to different locations on the island. Mike once told me after one of our Bible studies together; "Eric, I just hope you don't think you are wasting your time with me." Man, what a heart check! I pray the Lord continues to keep my heart like His in ministering to people. No person is ever a waste of time! I know there is a purpose for every "season" under heaven...
In closing, may the Lord continue to bless you with His presence and unconditional love! "If I had 1,000 lives, I'd give them all for Spain.."
By His Great Grace,
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