To the Corinthian church Paul the apostle wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God gave the increase." It is so important that we take to heart these words in our Christian service. How fights, quarrels, and competition would be eliminated if we really took these verses literally. I was struck by this entire chapter when I reflected on the month of November...
Early in the month I had a few teaching opportunities. I was able to teach another Foundations Class for those in the fellowship who were new to the faith or simply just wanted to learn more of what it means to be a Christian. I was given the topic of teaching on why we can trust the Bible to be God's Word. I also taught one class for a course Pastor Raf teaches at the Bible College called "Lessons in Ministry." I titled my message "Keeping it real." I was able to discuss with the students that although ministry is a privilege and joy, it is also a lot of hard work that requires sacrifice. I really challenged the students to "count the cost" as well as check their own motivations to why they serve God and people.
Pastor Raf and Loretta both enjoyed the opportunity to go to the Bible College in Murrieta, CA to teach some classes. While gone, I was able to fill in for Raf and teach on a Sunday morning. I taught on "Waiting on the Lord." I went on to discuss that God wants to build our spiritual muscles by sometimes letting us feel the weight of life. As well as how we grow during the tough times of life and see that our "weight trainer" Jesus Christ knows exactly what we need. How we need to trust Him more than we think we do!
The last week of the month, we had a team from Calvary Chapel Montebello led by Pastor Abel Maldonado come here to Mallorca. We had been planning this short-term mission trip for months. Pastor Abel really wanted to focus on ministering in the city of Palma. The team did a variety of things and made the most of their week here with us. They really sought to reach all ages. They did everthing from dress up like clowns to minster to children at some hospitals, go to the local skateboard park and pass out free shoes and skateboards, to throwing a carnival for the kids. They also did a lot of street witnessing passing out some tracts that one of our team members designed. The Gutierrez brothers also came out for a few days and ministered through music for our English service at the church and our Spanish service in the evening. They did both worship and their own material in both languages. There are so many cool stories to share, but that would take a few more blogs:)
In closing, the trip was a success. Although the harvest of souls that was reaped was "small" in some eyes, it wasn't in God's. Not only did God choose to use Montebello to plow and till soil out here, but they also planted seeds and watered others. Besides all that, if God brought the Gutierrez brothers and team all the way out here for the salvation of just one soul, then Biblically and Spiritually speaking it was a success! God is still working in this field even now. Please pray for the new converts. Praise Jesus Christ that we can have a part in His work. May God continue to give the increase here in Mallorca, Spain...
By His Grace,
1 comment:
That sounds like you are quite the busy bee. I guess referring to you as a bee is not very cool, huh?!? HAHA Well Eric flo I hope all is well! Just wanted you to know that we are praying for you! God Bless Moxie flo. HA jk.
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