Gail Sheehy said: "If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living." Change is what God wants for our lives. I am reminded of what Max Lucado said: "God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay the way you are." In fact, that is one of the many reasons why I came to Christ in the first place. I wanted Jesus to make me a new person from the inside out. Not only was December the mark of the end of the Fall Semester, but it also meant the end of 2008. I couldn't help but think perhaps the greatest work God has done out here on the mission field has been in me...
The month started out with a break in. It turns out two young men who used to attend the youth group were the ones who were guilty, and went straight for the money. This incident was tragic as the mastermind of the operation had broke into the church nearly one year earlier. Afterward, he went on to tell Raf that he was sorry and "felt God." Obviously, it was nothing more than words as he did it again. Raf then proceeded to go to the police station to work it all out. As a result, Raf asked me to teach the Bible Study for the Spanish service two hours later. One verse came to mind at that moment. Paul the apostle wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2a: "Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season..." As always God came through and His Word touched hearts and lives.
I also had the opportunity to teach at the last Men's Discipleship class. I was given the topic of "Discerning the will of God in the face of opposition." Many of these guys after the semester were aspiring to do full-time ministry positions or simply going home to get more involved with their church. One of the things I shared with them, is the fact that we can't expect to know God's specific will for our lives unless we do His general will for our lives. This was a truth that impacted me when I was in Bible College. Pastor Brian Brodersen had just got back from a being a missionary in London, England when he shared this in my Men's Discipleship class. I am so thankful that Romans 12:2 tells us that the will of God is good, pleasing, acceptable, and perfect.
In the middle of the month, we had a Graduation Ceremony for Solomon Padilla, who had been with us for 3 of his 4 semesters in Bible College. It truly was a privilege to have some part in his life and make some good memories. I truly am excited to see what God does with Solomon's life after Bible College.
This was also my first Christmas away from home. Although I missed my family and friends, God truly blessed me this past holiday season with a great church family. It is amazing how God sustains and strengthens us when we feel pain inside our hearts. I was reminded that the hardest part of being a Missionary is leaving behind the ones you love the most in this world. This is why it has to be a call from God and the motivation love for God. If you think about it, who in their right mind would leave their home, country, continent, family, friends, comfort zone, familiar surroundings, etc. to go and serve people they never met beforehand! Well, let me tell you something, it has been so worth it! This coming year, I hope and pray God continues molding me and shaping me into the Missionary that He wants me to be....
By His Grace,
1 comment:
Christmas is not Christmas unless you have tamales. Hopefully next year you can be home for Christmas.
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