Thursday, December 2, 2010
El Extranjero (The Foreigner)
"Any foreigner living in Spain will, to a certain degree, always remain a foreigner. You may have adapted beautifully to living in Spain, yet the Spanish culture will always remain different. A foreigner may become Spanish by nationality, may even think and act like a Spaniard, but will never be a Spaniard at heart. No land in Europe, possibly no land in the Western world, has such a forceful personality, such a strong flavour as Spain, nor such a proud history." This excerpt was taken from a book series: Culture Shock!- Spain. Written by Marie Louise Graff. I wanted to do something just a little different in this newsletter. I wanted to share with you some of the "differences," I have encountered living as a missionary here in Spain, for just a little over 3 years. The month of November got me thinking on just a few...
As an American, I was accustomed to weighing things in pounds. Everything from body weight, to weights in a gym, or fruit in the market. Here in Spain, those things are measured in kilos. When it comes to driving, there on my speedometer, it tells me how fast I am going with the increments in mph. I also can know how long it will take me to drive to the next town, because the sign will have how many miles until that particular destination. Not so here, the number on the sign is actually in kilometers, and in my Golf, it has kmh on the speedometer. One would assume that Spanish is the official language in Spain right? Wrong. The official language here is actually Castilian (Castellano). It is used by the majority of the mass media, and in official documents. Some of the various regions in Spain, also have their own languages. In Galicia, they speak Gallego. The Basques call their region Euskadi, and their language Euskera. In Catalonia, they speak Catalan. Catalan also has some various forms, including Valenciana of Valencia, and Mallorquin of Mallorca. In these regions, the road signs are also written in these languages. I found this to be true while living in Mallorca, with all the signs in Mallorquin. I now live in the Southern region of Spain, which is Andalucia. Fortunately, this region just speaks Castilian. Although, Andalucians tend to cut their words, and have a distinct/thick accent. All in all, Castilian uses Vosotros, the pronunciation of words differs from other Spanish speaking countries, and some words are omitted altogether.
Monday November 1st, was the last day of the Church Retreat. This day also is the exact day that Paqui and the Arevalos family were saved. Continue to pray for all four of them. The one thing Karen was very fearful about, was facing her friends. She is 17, and every single one of her closest friends are atheists. On Sunday November 7th, I was blessed again, to join the Arevalos family in their home for lunch after service. It was just awesome, to speak with Hugo (Karen's padre), about his experience with Jesus at the retreat.
In the book of Acts, we see that Paul the church planter, had a team of guys. Every guy had something to contribute, but all supported the vision Jesus gave Paul. Ivan is the "Paul" here, who has planted the church here in El Rincon de la Victoria (mouthful). I see myself simply as a "Barnabas," to encourage Ivan in various ways here. Practically speaking, this past month I was able to co-write his newsletter. I am happy to serve him in this way, especially because English is his second language. Ivan, Eunice, and I, all felt it would be beneficial, for Ivan and I to do this from now on.
Sunday November 28th, marked our first "Movie Night" at the church. My vision for these monthly meetings has two goals in mind. First, it creates yet another opportunity for the church to invite unsaved family and friends. Second, it edifies the church itself. We want to provide an evening that is very relaxed. Eunice and I, also made some fliers for the church to hand out. The night began with food and fellowship. We then showed "Fury to Freedom," the testimony of Pastor Raul Ries. I went up afterward, and shared out of Ezekiel 36:26-27. I explained how the essence of Christianity isn't about changing a certain behavioral problem, but God putting His Spirit in you and giving you a new heart. The result, is a truly changed/transformed life. After the movie, everyone clapped and was ready to hear the message. Ivan did a great job interpreting for me. As I looked out, I noticed people crying, really listening, and nodding their heads in agreement. Everyone already looks forward to the next one.
In future newsletters to come, I hope to share more about the Spanish culture with you. Also, to share more on language study. Spain now feels like a second home to me, but some things will always be "foreign"...including me!
By His Grace,
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Fields Are White for Harvest
After speaking with the Samaritan woman, Jesus took the opportunity to share important truths with His disciples. He tells them in John 4:35: "Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" Jesus then went on to say in verse 37: "For in this the saying is true: 'One sows and another reaps.'" In all seven continents of the world, there are people ripe for the message of Jesus. The month of October was a month of rejoicing...for souls were reaped.
On Monday October 4th, Ivan and I went to the Extranjeria for the 3rd time, since coming back here. Fortunately, Ivan had become pals with the police officer the last time we went. As a result, we didn't have to wait long in line, and were able to speak with the people in charge. I also got in contact with the American Embassy to ask a few questions in regards to the visa...then take a day and print out a ton of paperwork.
We went on our 2nd annual Church Retreat from Friday October 29th to Monday November 1st. The theme was titled "Conozco tus obras." In English it would be "I know your works." We studied the seven letters, written to the seven churches found in Revelation 2-3. We found it interesting, that for every single church Jesus would start out by acknowledging their works. Ivan and I felt this would be perfect for Calvary Chapel El Rincon. We wanted each member of the church to ask themselves, what kind of church were they corporately and individually. It was a weekend full of Bible teaching, worship, food, fellowship, and fun, as we played some games. We also did a movie night, where we showed "The Passion of the Christ." Afterwards, Ivan shared the gospel and we closed in communion.
Ivan, Tio Pepe, and myself, shared in the responsibilities of teaching. I was given two sessions. I taught on the church in Ephesus, which was the church without love. The one thing Jesus had against them was leaving Him, their first love. I personally hope and pray, to continue having my relationship with and to Jesus, to be my number one priority. My second teaching was on the church in Thyatira, which was the church without truth. I challenged the congregation to simply know why they believe, what they believe. I then encouraged them to do their homework as a Christian. To love the Lord with all of their mind as well.
In late September or early October, a couple from Paraguay started attending the church. There names are Hugo and Maura. They definitely seemed interested as to what was going on at our church. Their daughter Karen, like all of her friends, was an atheist. She refused to come to church...that is until Sunday October 3rd. She continued to come every Sunday to church, as Ivan taught through the book of Romans. She even came consistently every Wednesday night to our prayer meetings. Tio Pepe leads these, as we study through the gospel of John, and he commentates in a devotional type way. Karen participated, as she read the Scriptures and devotional out loud...she even prayed...followed by emotion and tears. We knew God was working in her. The Arevalos family and I became friends during the month. They even invited me over their home on a Sunday afternoon for some lunch. I was able to share a bit of my testimony and the gospel. Through the month...I was also continuing to plant seeds of truth into Karen.
Hugo, Maura, and Karen were able to attend the retreat. In between sessions...Karen was really battling internally, and even downright argumentative with me. I continued to just share the Scriptures, and preach the gospel to her. After every encounter, I would go to Ivan and tell him my concern, and just say: "We need to continue praying for her." At the same time...we as a leadership had our doubts about her parents truly walking with Jesus. On the last day of the retreat, Ivan taught on the church in Laodicea, which was the lukewarm church. Ivan had given an altar call after the movie night...with no response. He went ahead and gave another one...this time with four hands raised!! Hugo, Maura, Karen, and a woman named Paqui, raised their hands to accept Jesus. There was a lot of emotions and excitement in the room. Paqui is actually an older woman, who has attended the Baptist church in Malaga for years...and was invited to the retreat by Ivan's mom.
Someone once said: "Missions is God prepared messengers, sent to God prepared people." Biblically speaking, the whole world is a "Mission field." Jesus would say to you and me today..."The Fields are White for Harvest." There are people ready for Jesus...
By His Grace,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Starting All Over Again
Someone once said: "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." Dawson Trotman said: "The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started." The month of September was a time of starting from scratch. Everything was new again. This includes but not limited to: making new friends, new church family, new routine, new home, new surroundings, new responsibilities, and new relationships in general. The fact of the matter is, although everything was going great in Mallorca, a restlessness was in my heart. It was very reminiscent of my time in SoCal, before departing to Mallorca...
On Wednesday September 1st at CC Upland, we had a night dedicated to Spain. One of the things in the mind of the leadership, was to re-introduce the vision of Spain to the congregation. That night, we showed most of the DVD of our mission trip back in February 2004. After this presentation: Paul and Cori Roybal, Pastor Randy and Jeanette Walls, and myself took the stage. We wanted to try something different, and provide a more relaxed and casual atmosphere for the evening. The journey began back in August 2001... it was a great time as we each shared from a different perspective on the journey. The church was better educated to how I got to where I am today, and how Ivan and Eunice got to where they are today. Personally, God used this to make me more excited about returning to Spain...for I was reminded of how God beautifully orchestrated everything in my life to send me there. Afterwards, we had a time of fellowship and refreshments.
On Sunday September 5th, I also did something different than on past furloughs. Paul Roybal had suggested that during both morning services I share with the children a little bit about Spain and the mission, then present an opportunity to answer questions. Let me just say... it was really fun to do!! One question even was: "What language do they speak in Spain?" Hey, you gotta love the honesty kids have!! Afterwards I went in the Sanctuary, and summed up what I was currently doing in Spain. Josh Sayles who is the youth pastor of CC Upland also asked me to come speak to the teens. I basically shared some of the same things, but went ahead and challenged the youth with the idea of missions, and the 5 basic ways the entire world sees God. Josh then went ahead, and did a Bible study on missions out of John's gospel. Hearing Josh, a thought crossed my mind... the youth are in good hands. Praise Jesus as He continues to work in the lives of the youth at the church!
On Wednesday September 8th I departed SoCal and arrived back here in Spain on Thursday September 9th. Ivan picked me up from the airport... it was great to see him again. Once home, I was greeted warmly by Eunice and baby Samuel. Reality hit, as Ivan and I were driving home from the airport... it was now time to start all over again.
Starting all over again, included a lot of practical things that needed to be done. I had to transfer all my possessions from Ivan's house over to my pad, unpack everything, then put everything in its place, throw many things in the trash, do a lot of cleaning, grocery shopping, and Ivan also showed me how some of the utilities worked. In the midst of all this, I truly experienced the love of the church, Ivan and Eunice, and both of their families. Church members warmly welcomed me back, and donated everything from towels, to pillows, to an iron, to dishes. Ivan and Eunice also took me to Ikea, to purchase what was lacking in my apartment, and to help me find items at good prices. Due to wanting to create more space in my studio apartment, and not needing two pieces of large furniture, Tio Pepe and Ivan came on over. We broke everything down and took it all to storage.
On Thursday September 16th and Friday September 17th, I had to go to the language school for level placement. There are a total of 5 levels, and once you finish, you are considered fluent in that language. The official school of languages in Malaga, offers over twelve languages... and English class was the most packed! I honestly didn't mind starting in level two or even one, it is good to have the basics down. However, for various reasons they did not offer the traditional written test for placement. Instead, they did oral interviews. So, after mine was done, I was placed in level 3 intermediate. On Thursday September 23rd we had an introduction class. My actual first day of class was Monday September which I also had to go purchase two books. I will write more on language study in future newsletters...
On Friday September 17th and Thursday September 30th, Ivan and I had to go to the Extranjeria for more visa stuff. This is always a tedious process, but necessary for any missionary who wants to do things legally and righteously in their service to the Lord. Ivan and I also got together a couple of times, to brainstorm and plan the Church Retreat. We had five possible themes and ideas of what we could do once up there. We both were mutually pumped after the meeting...
Starting over can be tough, but it can also be an exciting time. Maybe you can relate... God has put something in your heart. To take a step of faith, and try something new or different with your life. I challenge you today, pray and see if Jesus would have you "start." Sometimes you never know, unless you try...
By His Grace,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Three Years Later...
William Carey is often referred to as the "Father of Modern Day Missions." Originally from England, he was not only a pioneer Missionary to India, but a pioneer Missionary for the Christian world. You see, at this time in history, nobody thought World Missions was applicable to the church anymore. A prayer he prayed was: "I will go down, if you will hold the ropes." He likened his missionary work to exploring a mine. Those who would hold the ropes, were those hands who would let him down to explore, but never letting him go. I went home for the month of August, for Summer furlough. I love going home for various reasons. There is not a time I don't want to go home to Socal, when the opportunity is presented. One of the reasons I love going home, is to be reminded of just how many people are holding the ropes for me...
On Sunday August 1st, I had the honor of sharing with my new church family here in El Rincon de la Victoria. Ivan had asked me 2 weeks prior, to share three specific things with the congregation. He first wanted me to share a bit of my testimony, then why I was here, and finally a word of encouragement from the Scriptures. Ivan did an incredible job interpreting for me. We all were mutually encouraged, shared a few laughs, and even a few tears.
On Monday August 2nd, I departed Spain and arrived in SoCal for furlough. I am always excited to go home to beautiful SoCal!! It is not just the beach and land I am talking about. I really do value and cherish the relationships I have there. It is always a pleasure to meet new people on my time of furlough, but I love reuniting with people I go way back with. People who "have been holding the ropes for me," even years before departing for Spain.
On Sunday August 15th, I officiated over the wedding of my sister Amanda, and her husband Brandon Franco. I still can't believe she is married!! I couldn't be happier for the two of them. I am proud of them both. The Wedding day went smoothly, and everyone had a fun time. One comment was made to me, that I still think about. This woman told me that Christ was mentioned the most at this wedding, out of all the weddings she had ever been to in her life.
On Thursday August 19th, I had the privilege of teaching at CC Moreno Valley's College/Career group. The message was entitled: "Made Himself of No Reputation." Our main text was Philippians 2:7. I taught mostly on the subject of pride, and defining true humility. This is a message that I felt led to share with the church in general. One of the prayers we often pray as Christians is: "Lord, make me more like Jesus. Conform me into His image." One of the qualities we admire most in Him, is His humility. On the other hand, one of the qualities we dislike in ourselves and others the most, is pride.
Tuesday August 17th, marked three years of service in Spain. At times days have gone by slow in Spain, but for the most part, it has gone extremely fast!! I am constantly challenged with the thought, "Have I made the most of my time?" May I say thank you again to all who read this. Thank you "rope holders." Spain thanks you as well. Johnny thanks you, the prisoners in Palma thank you, the Bible college in Santa Ponsa thanks you, etc. Without you, Spain Archives would be a blank blog. Thank you for all the e-mails, comments on this blog, comments on my facebook, finances, prayers, love, hospitality, generosity, support, encouragement, and opening your homes to me on furlough over the past 3 years!! Be reminded that Missions involve a team effort. I love you all, and you bring a big smile to my face!!! Rope Ministry Rocks!!
By His Grace,
Friday, July 30, 2010
Same Country, Same Mission/Different Location
The Bible says in Acts 8:26-27a:" Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, 'Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.' This is desert. So he arose and went..." The chapter starts with persecution, scattering the Christians. Philip who is an evangelist, goes to Samaria to preach Christ there. The result is multitudes believe, miracles are done, people are physically healed, and demons are cast out of people. The by-product, is there was great joy in that city. There was a great thing going on in Samaria!!! Philip now had his work cut out for him. However, there was an Ethiopian Eunuch who had great influence, coming down from Jerusalem. He was reading the prophet Isaiah. The section of Scripture was about the coming Messiah. Philip leads him to Christ, and then precedes to baptize him. Philip didn't know this though at the beginning. All he understood from the Lord, was to leave the revival in Samaria, and go south along a road to the desert. He wasn't even told why, or what he would find there. The month of July was my first full month here in Malaga, Spain...
Leaving Mallorca last month, kind of had the same feeling as leaving SoCal 3 years prior. Many well intentioned family members, friends, and church family, gave some intelligent reasons to not leave. Proverbs do speak a few times, about the importance of having a multitude of counselors in decision making. In the book of Job though, we see his friends didn't have the mind of God, for why Job was going through such suffering in his life. Like 3 years ago, I had to put aside all the arguments, quotes, and rationalizing, to hear the voice of the Lord in my life. Remember, I honestly believe all the counsel came from a heart of love for me. I know if I never left SoCal and came to Spain, I would still be going to Heaven. In other words, I wouldn't have lost my salvation. However, I would have totally missed out!!! I don't believe I would have grown and been stretched the way I was in Mallorca, if I just remained comfortable in Upland. I believe the same is true in this recent move to mainland Spain.
I had no idea what I would be doing in Mallorca specifically 3 years ago. All Pastor Raf said and I quote: "I have a church, Bible college, a Spanish service, and possibly a church plant in Palma. Come help out. Come and let your vision be clarified by God." It was very vague, with no specifics. I was looking for a job description from Raf!! Raf was right though, God did just that. I had plenty of ministry to do. I so believe if we have an attitude to serve and make ourselves available, God will put someone in your path with needs to meet. He will also put "things" in your path as well. There is always ministry to do. Well, I am at that place in my life and ministry again. I am starting over. I have 4 basic things I will be focusing on as of right now. I am going to language school, trying to get into the Prison in Malaga, helping Ivan anyway I can with the church, and getting a job. I know as time goes on, Jesus will provide more opportunities to serve. I have only been here a month, and God already has provided some! I will share more of this in future newsletters.
On Thursday July 1st, I rose early in the morning to drive to the port in Palma. Johnny and Rick came to say goodbye. I would be taking my car filled with all of my belongings, on a ferry for 5 hours. We first stopped at another island called Ibiza, and then went on to Denia in Central Spain. I drove for 6 and a half hours down the coast, to finally be greeted in El Rincon de la Victoria by Ivan, Eunice, and the newest edition to the family. Yes, it was time to finally meet baby Samuel! What a treat! Meeting this baby was worth the destination. I fell in love with him instantly. My title is now "Tito Eric." My first nephew is awesome!! He is such a good baby!! It has been such a blessing, to wake up every morning and be greeted by him. God also blessed me with a beautiful day, perfect for a drive here in Spain. It was a smooth journey, with no problems. God is good!! Ivan and Eunice have been incredible hosts, helping me in so many ways.
My first Sunday here on July 4th, I was reunited with Ryan Slabach. I met Ryan a year ago, at my ordination service in Mallorca. He is Pastor Dave Shirley's assistant, at the Bible College in Murrieta. He has been thinking and praying for years about the possibility of serving in Spain. He came this year, to meet with Raf in Barcelona and simply pray over the city. He then went and spoke at a Conference in Mallorca, and arrived here afterwards. The fellowship between him, Ivan, and I was sweet. We all were mutually built up, and more excited about the work here in Spain. Ryan really has a heart for Barcelona. Please keep him in your prayers, as he has planned to leave in a year from SoCal. I for one am excited, as we need more laborers in this harvest field.
Now, some of the practical things that needed to be done... I had to go and register for the language school in Malaga. After this, turn everything in and make a payment for the school year. I will be starting in September, I am really looking forward to this. My last year in Mallorca was the busiest ever, therefore my language study went on the back burner. I hadn't studied as much as the previous two years. I really just want to communicate better with the people, and of course be more effective in sharing the gospel. I also had to go and apply for a student visa here in Malaga. This means applying with new information, now that I have moved from Mallorca. The Lord was gracious to me, as I simply had to renew my visa, without going through the whole tedious process again back in the US. In August, it will be 3 years that I have lived here. I will now be eligible for Residency. This will be my goal in this next year. Ivan really wants to help me with this...
Another thing on my checklist, was to find a place to live. Ivan and Eunice had done some research prior to my arrival. This whole month we made phone calls, contacted other churches and pastors, drove around, visited some prospects, and used Google to the max!! To be honest, I was beginning to get discouraged. Four weeks of researching, and everything was out of my budget. Ivan and I discussed the possibility of moving several towns away. On Tuesday July 27th, we found two studio apartments online. Ivan and I went to the border of La Cala and El Rincon de la Victoria. About a 10 minute drive from Ivan's house. Once Carlos(agent)found out that we were Christians, Ivan was a pastor of a church, and I was a missionary, trust set in. He just had a few bad experiences with previous tenants. We told him if he knocked 50 euros off, I could afford it. He said he would call us later. Don't you know, ;) he called not even 3 hours later with some good news from the owner. Not only did he knock 50 Euros off, he also didn't charge us the normal 300 Euros that an agency would charge any tenant for their services!!! It was now right in my budget, and was a nice studio apartment!! On Friday July 30th, Ivan and I went to sign the contract and pay the security deposit. In the midst of this, he offered me a job for a few hours a week! Driving home together, Ivan and I were still processing everything that was happening. We both looked at each other and said: "Venga" Just kidding.;) We were just so happy, and were basking in the goodness of God. Door and after door was being opened, as God was settling me here in my new home...
This month, I also got to witness history in the making. On Sunday July 11th, Spain won Holland for the World Cup!!! I know this isn't "spiritual," but it was pretty cool to actually be here in Spain while this happened. We watched the game on a projector on the terrace of Ivan's home. Some church family came over, as we celebrated with some food. The whole town was making noise and having parties of their own. After the victory, fireworks went off, Spanish songs were sung, hugs were given, a lot of yelling went on, etc. Ivan and I then went on his moped, driving through the streets of El Rincon de la Victoria, cheering and greeting everyone out on the streets. This was pretty much everybody.:) Eunice said to not go to the city of Malaga, for Ivan and I probably wouldn't make it home!!
In Conclusion, starting over again can be scary. You second guess yourself, and wonder if you made the right decision to leave somewhere God was blessing you. Prior to my arrival, Ivan shared with me that he was battling within himself as well. He never wanted to manipulate me, or force me to come here. Eunice and Ivan thought I never would come here, and just stay in Mallorca. Everything was going good right? Why leave? Maybe right now, as you read this, your in the same place. Let me encourage you by saying, our God is loving and gracious. Whether it is a new relationship, a new job, a different position, a new ministry, getting married, having a baby, changing churches, going on the mission field, starting something new in your church, etc. Take calculated risks. Take a step of faith in Jesus, and see what might happen! It just might be what God wanted all along...
By His Grace,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Bitter Sweet Symphony
Acts 28:8-10: "And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and dysentery. Paul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on him and healed him. So when this was done, the rest of those on the island who had diseases also came and were healed. They also honored us in many ways; and when we departed, they provided such things as were necessary." This took place on the island of Malta, where Paul was shipwrecked on the way to Rome. Rome was the ultimate destination where he would have ministry opportunities, write part of the NT, and be martyred eventually. However, Jesus had plans and purposes for Paul first on this island. There were good works for Paul to walk in (Eph. 2:10). Three years ago, I initially was headed for mainland Spain to help Ivan and Eunice start a church. The Lord had something else in mind... I would spend two years and ten months on the island of Mallorca. There were good works for me to walk into. The month of June was my last full month there, and it was bitter sweet...
On Sunday June 6th, I taught for Raf while he was out of town. Raf is not one to tell me what to teach usually, but this time was different. One of the couples in the church, were having 30 or more Germans from their company visit the church that Sunday morning. Most of them who would be attending, were unbelievers. Raf said: "I need you to preach the gospel, discuss the difference between religion vs. relationship, and give a little bit of your testimony. It needs to be evangelistic, just do what you always do at the prison." So, I prayed and prepared my heart all that week. My main text was out of John 5:1-9. The title of my message was: "Do you want to change?" After the service, I had a great conversation with one of the visitors. His name is Michael. He said to me... "I only understood half of what you were saying. I wish I could understand more. I want to know more about this Jesus and find out what this life is all about. Thank you for sharing these words." I then left the sanctuary, only to return 10 minutes later. All these German believers were surrounding Michael with tears flowing from their eyes. Not to mention his as well. They all took turns praying for him. I then spoke with Thomas who serves on staff with me, he went on to tell me Michael just received Jesus Christ!! I was elated and on cloud nine!!! Another person in the kingdom...
This month was also full of practical preparations for my departure. This included taking my car to the mechanic, paying for my visa for the summer, going to the town hall to turn paper work in, purchasing a ferry ticket, researching my route from Central Spain to Southern Spain once off the ferry, working out cell phone issues, packing up my belongings, and then loading everything in my 95 Volkswagen Golf for departure. Johnny was such a blessing to me, as he helped me with some of these preparations!! Glad it is all over! ;)
On Friday June 25th, was my last visit to the Prison in Palma. I went to Module #9, where it all began in September of last year, to visit John David. This is the young man I have mentioned in past newsletters and furloughs. This is the guy who always rounded up the rest of the prisoners to come to our Bible studies. Raf would always interpret for the teaching part. John David was one of the first guys we met, on our very first visit to the prison. Raf and I hit it off with John David immediately. Due to other responsibilities, and a vision to start something in Palma, Raf stopped coming with me to the prison about 3-4 months ago. I thank Raf for the time we did serve together in there. I continued to go twice a week to the prison. However, on Fridays I continued to visit John David along with some other inmates. We really developed a good friendship. It also forced me to practice my Spanish even more so! John David was always patient with me, and still asked me questions about God and the Bible. Reading Scripture together was great. We also spoke about life in general, our personal lives, and of course laughed a lot, poking fun at each other!!! You see, he was also trying to learn English. So, we had a great time as we both struggled with each others' languages!! Now, here is some great news...
John David will be released from prison on Wednesday August 4th. He has convinced his wife and children to move from the Canary Islands (also Spain), to Mallorca!! He wants to attend Santa Ponsa Community Church, and go to the Bible College!!! Raf is going to visit him before he gets out of prison, and check in with him. Please pray that his move works out!!! God is so good!!!
I also met a few more times with Alvaro and Andrea, to finish training them in the bookkeeping/accounting. This was one of the most challenging and hardest things I have ever had to do in ministry. Not only was it a lot of work, but I had to do it all in Spanish!!! Like Raf said, it was very good practice!!! Rick was so helpful, as he and Andrea translated all the account names into Spanish. The program/software doesn't come in Spanish, and is all in English. This means we also had to translate certain names, and then show them how to go back and fix mistakes. What makes it all worth it? Well, I know Alvaro and Andrea are a godly couple who serve Jesus with integrity. I know they will do an even better job than I did previously. They are a very gifted couple! We also had some fun, laughing at me make some mistakes with the language!! :)
In closing, I am excited to finally be with Ivan and Eunice here on the mainland. However, I praise God that I got to spend the last three years in Mallorca!!! What I gained and never expected in regards to ministry: access into the prison, meeting certain prisoners I know by name now, salvation and baptism of Johnny, teaching a home fellowship, teaching on Sunday morning for Raf, serving on the board, being entrusted to work with the finances, teaching three Bible college classes, leading a few people to Christ, studying the Bible with homeless Mike, being ordained as a pastor, making new friends, having a second church family, etc.. I also gained some life long friends with Pastor Raf and his wife Loretta. I will never forget their kindness, and letting me serve under their leadership. On my last Sunday in Mallorca, they prayed for me. I was then surprised, by a little party at a restaurant that night. I was given gifts, treated to a great meal, and received many kind words. Lord willing, I will be able to visit Mallorca in the future. From the bottom of my heart I love you all!!!!
By His Grace,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
May The Adventure Never End
The writer of Hebrews jots down in Hebrews 11:6: "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." The Scriptures prior, define what Biblical faith is. The Scriptures after, then show what verse 6 looked like in the lives of everyday ordinary people. Hebrews 11 has often been called "The Hall of Faith." A chapter of people like you and I, who dared to take God at face value. To trust in the promise of His Words. Well, the result would be nothing short of miraculous! These people were able to go beyond their comfort zone, and see God show up in a big way. The life of faith, is a life of adventure and discovery. The month of May was a gentle reminder from Jesus to me...
On Saturday June 8th, we had our Graduation/end of the Semester party. A evening once again filled with food, diplomas, worship, speeches, and a slide show. We had two graduates this Spring Semester. Mike Bennett (age 21) and Luke Tonata (age 19) both shared with optimism and hope in the faithfulness of God. Luke is actually coming back to Mallorca this Fall to intern, while Mike is sensing the call to be a Pastor one day. I couldn't help but think of when I graduated from Bible College eight years ago. I was so eager to get out into the world and share about my Lord. I can testify that these eight years haven't been easy, but it has been a great journey serving the Lord!!
On a practical note, I had to move once again. I moved back to Santa Ponsa on September 1st last year, with my fellow pastor and friend Jimmy. After graduation, our contract was done and we had to move to another apartment across the bay. What did this entail? Two days of craziness! The first day was just getting all of our stuff across the bay and settling in. The 2nd day, consisted of a deep and thorough clean of our previous casa. We had to make it look like no one ever lived there!! This August will be 3 years I have lived here in Spain, and I have now moved a total of 7 times!! I am so thankful, because God has always taken care of me this way. I always have had a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on the table. He has truly met my needs as a missionary out here. On Monday May 17th, I had to go to the town hall to renew my visa. Raf was gracious enough to carry it over until August 31st during this transition to Malaga. This will now buy me time to work on getting a visa to live legally in Malaga.
On another practical note, I went with Johnny to the prison office. I wanted to inquire about ministering in the prison in Malaga. There was some good news and some bad news. The bad news, was that I would have to go through the whole process of applying for a pass again. The good news, was it wouldn't take as long this time around. This is true for a couple of reasons. First of all, there was corruption at the prison in Palma. Secondly, I am already approved and in the system in Madrid (ministry of Justice). Please pray I can start going to the prison in Malaga ASAP...
On Tuesday May 18th, I embarked on a journey to the East Coast with Raf and Jimmy. We went for a total of ten days. Through the generosity of some churches there and our own, we were able to go on this trip. Raf was invited to attend the annual CC East Coast Pastors Conference, and asked us to join him. We were also able to attend the Missions Conference at CC Philly. We went to six states for various reasons. We went to New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Very different from SoCal to say the least. I will share with you two of the highlights for me on this trip. Raf hasn't been home to Virginia Beach, Virginia to see his mom in seven years. Although she comes to Mallorca annually, it was awesome to see Raf come "home." His mom was so hospitable to us, and we really had a great time! She is so funny, and a joy to be around. What was also really stellar, was to see Raf and his mom interact. Let me just say, no matter how old you may get, moms will always be moms!! You moms know what I am talking about! ;) By the way, hi mom!!
The second highlight, was actually the Pastor's Conference. I really learned a lot from all the speakers. I will share with you about one of Pastor Don McClure's sessions. Don shared on how he just wanted to keep growing. He said: "I don't care what you did 20, 30, 10, or 5 years ago. The adventure of life must be true to me. To go wherever it is, and do whatever it is until I die. May the adventure never end." Pastor Don then shared where he has served Jesus over the decades. He started out as an assistant to Pastor Chuck Smith at CC Costa Mesa, then went over to Twin Peaks to start a Bible College. After that, he lead Calvary Chapels in Lake Arrowhead, Redlands, and San Jose. He found himself back at Costa Mesa assisting Chuck after that period of time. Don went to pastor the Calvary Chapel in Laguna afterwards, then went to Potter's Field Ranch in Montana. He is now currently doing missions. Specifically taking trips to Africa to minister to children. I sat there in my seat listening to this 63 year old man, blown away. He was a pastor who wanted to walk by faith, and not by sight. Through the conference, there were other pastors who were seasoned, also making changes. Pastor Bill Gallatin (CC Fingerlakes) who just lost his wife seven months ago, handed over his pulpit to his son. He is now going to focus on missions and traveling around the country serving anyway he can. Pastor David Guzik is coming back to CA after seven years on the mission field in Germany, to take over CC Santa Barbara. Ricky Ryan leaving Santa Barbara to go back to Maui, to pastor the church he planted 27 years prior. You just don't know what God might do. May His Spirit lead His body, and place every member where HE wants them...
In closing, Don's prayer always to the Lord is "Jesus make me sensitive. Call my name now." His main text was Genesis 22, where Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice what was most near and dear to him. Let's not settle for a life and ministry of mediocrity. May we also not get too comfortable and complacent. We don't serve a boring God! Every day is a new day. We are only given one life to live on this earth, and it is very short! Fear God and don't fear man. Church, let's make the most of the breath Jesus has given us...
By His Grace,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Always a Rookie
At a Pastor's Conference, Pastor Joe Focht (CC Philly) prayed something that struck me. He said: "Lord, we are all rookies, for no one has lived tomorrow." The apostle Paul put it this way in Philippians 3:12-14: "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Paul wrote this after walking with the Lord and serving Him well over 20 years. He isn't just talking about past sins, but past good works as well. Paul is addressing the past in totality, victories and losses. Driving home the point, that he still had to learn things about life, God, as well as himself. The month of April reminded me of this...
On Tuesday April 10th to Friday April 16th, we went to the other side of the island for our Semester Retreat. This was my sixth and last one with the Bible College. Every semester without fail, God teaches me something personally. Our guest speaker was Pastor Peter Will of a Calvary Chapel in Germany. Raf simply asked him to share with us his life and ministry. This man was well into his 70's. Peter shared on a lot of various topics such as sacrifice, servant hood, etc. What spoke to me the most was his 5 years on the mission field of India. He said and I quote: "It is a beautiful thing to serve people who can't give back." Peter was also going to leave his position at the church in Germany and press forward...
Peter is such a humble man. He also was just a regular guy who liked to laugh and have some fun. He still chokes up every time he teaches on the grace of God! What I respected the most about this Pastor, was the fact that he was still learning and growing. Peter didn't trust in himself or all the years of ministry experience he had. He trusted in Jesus Christ every single day. I hope and pray as the years go by, I will follow his example. Keep him and the church in prayer, as they make the transition.
On Sunday April 18th, Rick and I began to train Alvaro and Andrea to take over another position I served in. The accounting/bookkeeping is something that I had been doing for a little over 2 years. Alvaro and Andrea are active believers in our Spanish Service. They are originally from Uruguay, and have lived here in Spain for many years. They are a great couple eager to get started and do a great job for Jesus! This involves preparing bank statements in detail, printing them out, stapling bank slips/receipts to them, organizing them, and finally punching everything into the program we have. We then are able to have reports, that show if we have stayed on budget in the month prior. Some of you are thinking yawn fest right now.;) Hey, just trying to tell you all that is involved.:) I learned so much from doing these tasks, and very grateful Raf let me serve the Church and Bible College in this way.
On Saturday April 24th, we had another Men's Breakfast for the Church. It was our smallest turn out, but yet my favorite. The fellowship was incredible! Serge, who I mentioned in the last newsletter taught the Bible study. He taught on Davids' mighty men out of 2 Samuel 23:8-12. Serge did such a great job. It was insightful, spiritual, practical, and funny.
Ivan and I also were able to speak a couple of times. We were able to catch up, as well as continue working out logistics for my move and transition to El Rincon de la Victoria (I know a mouthful.) Try saying this 10 times fast! I am very excited to finally join Ivan, Eunice, and baby Samuel.
May we never think we have arrived, or have become experts in serving our Lord. May our faith constantly be in Jesus. The one true expert...
By His Grace,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Pass The Baton On!
J. Oswald Sanders in his book Spiritual Leadership wrote: “The true test of a person’s leadership is the health of the organization when the organizer is gone." Not only are we to do a good job in our service to the Lord, but in training somebody up to take over when God moves us on. The month of March was a time to raise somebody else up to take one of my positions. I believe this is further evidence that we truly do care for the people God has put in front of us to serve. To truly care what happens, even after we are long gone. A few times in the NT, the Christian life has been described as a race. Definitely not a sprint, but a marathon. Also like relay racing involving a baton, we must pass on what we have learned to others to further His Kingdom and further His work of the gospel on earth. What a joy to see others take it and run with it. As a result, the natural cry of your heart as a fellow runner is: "GO, GO, GO!"
March 1st- March 5th we took the students to Rome. This was my third time going since living here in Mallorca, but my first time leading the trip. It was very reminiscent of leading youth on trips. Loretta and Jimmy helped me plan and administrate. Loretta and I were the only ones on the staff to go. A couple from Canada who were visiting Mallorca, also joined us. By far, this was my favorite trip to Rome. We had devotions every morning before we got the
day started. We went through the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). What is so wonderful about Rome is the mixture of history, Church history, Bible history, and the incredible sights. Our desire every time we go to Rome, is that the trip would be educational and fun for the students. Every time I go, my hope and prayer is that the Romans, would read the book of Romans in the Bible. Therein they would find what they are looking for...Salvation through Jesus Christ!
On Tuesday March 16th, I started training our newest intern Serge Hol. Serge is originally from Holland, and just graduated from the Bible College in Murrieta in December of last year. He went to Bible College here 3 of the 4 semesters. He actually was in my Ecclesiastes class in the Fall of 08. It is always a joy to see Bible college graduates serving our Lord afterward.
Serge will now be doing all the practical things in regards to the finances of the Church and Bible College. The day to day administrative things. This will include trips to the bank. I actually will miss this aspect of my job, due to developing some friendships with some of the workers. By the end of March, Serge was already doing pretty much everything on his own. He still has had questions for me, but I don't mind as we seek to serve His people well. I am confident in our Lord that Serge is the man for the job!
On Monday March 29th, we had two functions for the Bible College students. We took them to the mountains of the island to do the "Extreme Hike." It definitely lives up to its name, as people have actually died and have been injured on this excursion. Don't get me wrong, the views are breathtaking. What blesses me the most however, is the team work between the students and staff. Everyone genuinely looked out for each other, and made sure no one got hurt. The patience executed by the students was incredible, considering there were boulders as big as houses! The day ended with a BBQ hosted at one of the homes of some members of the church. It is a beautiful thing to see, when relationships are formed between the Church and Bible college.
In closing, may we also seek to give opportunities for others to share in the joy of service to our King. Some of the greatest times in life is not only spending time with Jesus, but serving Him with others...
By His Grace,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Along came Marlene...
Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 4:12:" Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." A word that shows up numerous times in the book of Ecclesiastes is "better." In verses 9-12 of Ecclesiastes chapter 4, Solomon is talking about relationships in general. Verse 9 opens up with "two are better than one." I have truly enjoyed my years as a single Pastor/Missionary. God has been my "Everything." Our contentment and happiness is solely based on our connection to God. Every season/chapter in our life is good with Jesus. However, I have entered a new season in my life. The month of February marked the beginning of my relationship with a beautiful young woman named Marlene Ann Brandon...
Missions also involves a lot of practical things. On February 1st, I had to take my car in for the annual ITV inspection. It failed. After a couple of trips to the mechanic, my car finally passed! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Good for another year!
February 2nd, marked the beginning of classes for the Spring Semester. I will be teaching Missions for the 5th time. I also will be teaching the Pastoral Epistles (1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus) for the first time. Teaching the Bible is always a privilege!
On Saturday February 6th, we had our first Men's Breakfast of the year. As always, the food & fellowship was great with the older men of the church and young men of the Bible College. My friend and fellow pastor, Jimmy Schauerte taught the Bible study. He taught on the subject of real men trusting the Lord even when it doesn't make sense. He used a few illustrations from the OT to see the outcome of their lives.
On Sunday February 28th, I taught on a Sunday morning for Pastor Raf. Raf is currently teaching on marriage, in the book of Ephesians. He was going to be in SoCal for a couple of weeks, and asked Jimmy and I to each teach a Sunday for him. I taught on Singleness. Raf announced this the week before. A lot of singles came up to me, sharing how they were really looking forward to this. The title of my message was "Enjoying and Rejoicing in your Singleness." My main text was 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 coupled with Matthew 19:11-12. We see Jesus and Paul commend Singleness. Herein lies the balance of all the Scriptures in the Bible. May we not make the same mistake as the church in Corinth. That is, to elevate Marriage over Singleness or Singleness over Marriage. One is not more spiritual or holier than the other. Everyone has to do what God has called/invited them to. What a timely message this was for Santa Ponsa Community Church. I can tell you story after story, of singles of all ages who came up to me after service truly ministered to. Many were hurting, and some were bitter towards God. They didn't know such Scriptures existed in their Bible. Also, to hear that Marriage is a gift from God, but so is Singleness. Some would be called to it for life, while others just for a season. Raf's wife Loretta interpreted for me at the Spanish evening Service. After the service, the singles were blessed as well.
I met Marlene in September of last year. She was on a partial scholarship to play softball for a university in Oahu, Hawaii. She is originally from Northern California. God tugged on her heart about Bible college, and she came for her 1st semester last fall. God does imports! Over the last few months we have developed a real good friendship. I really sensed God giving me the thumbs up and the green light to take the next step. Proverbs 15:22 says: "Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established." So speaking with my family, close friends, my roommate Jimmy, and Pastor Raf, the thumbs up were given. Green light shone bright! On Valentine's Day February 14th, I took Marlene out. I asked her to enter a Christian Courtship/Dating (whatever you want to call it) relationship with me. What really matters, is the fact that we are now prayerfully, purposely, planning, to one day be married. That's the goal Lord willing. I don't believe in dating for the sake of dating, or in recreational/serial dating. Why leave a long string of broken hearts along the road including your own? Trust in the providence of our gracious loving God! I am so incredibly happy and blessed beyond measure! I now thank God everyday for this wonderful gift! They say everything is more beautiful when you are in love. How true that is!
A week later, Pastor Raf announced this news to the whole congregation. Everyone clapped and cheered! After the service, the support and love was overwhelming. A lot of "Congratulations." Not only was the church encouraging, but also the Bible college students, and fellow co-workers on staff!
In closing, thank you all for your prayers over the years. Continue praying for Marlene and I, as we seek to honor Jesus as a couple!
By His Grace,
Saturday, March 6, 2010
My Thing vs. God's Thing
Someone once said: "If you ever want to make God laugh, then tell Him your plans." Knowing what the Bible teaches concerning the character and nature of God, I know this laughter is not condescending. Rather, the Bible teaches He is good. The Scriptures also show is He is very much interested and involved in giving us good things. So in light of these truths, laughter is only logical. Think about it, here is the God of the universe who not only loves us, but really does have a specific plan for our lives! I pondered all this in the month of January, as 2010 got underway...
As mentioned last newsletter, my winter furlough went into the beginning of January. On Sunday January 3rd, I was able to visit CC Norco. Pastor Louie Monteith oversees Go! Ministries, and was a part of my ordination last June. It truly has been a pleasure building a friendship with Louie. Later that day, my family and I went to spend the afternoon with the Franco's (Brandon's Family). I was finally going to meet Brandon's older brother Frankie. Like last time, I personally had a blast! Not only great food, but honestly great fellowship. We even had some fun and played a little catchphrase. God is so good. I truly look forward to the wedding day of my sister Amanda and Brandon. The future truly is bright!
On Monday January 5th, I went out to the the annual Missions Conference in Murrieta. Pastor Raf had the privilege of doing a main session, teaching and encouraging missionaries from all over the world. Some friends, three of my sisters, and Brandon accompanied me. He did a great job and everyone was truly ministered to. It also felt great to represent Spain.:)
The next evening, I was given the opportunity to teach at CC Upland. My message was entitled "Take a chance." The Scriptures were Ecclesiastes 11:1-4 and Acts 16:6-10. The gist of my message, was that God will ask us to take ventures in faith or risks in our lives. Missions definitely is "risk-taking." I also shared how God guided the apostle Paul through closed doors. Paul was denied twice to go to certain locations on his Missionary journeys. We can conclude that God guides us just as much by hindrance. Timing is everything.
The next night on January 7th, I was honored to guest speak at CC Moreno Valley. My friend Raymond and I were able to join Pastor Sammy Martinez for dinner beforehand. Sammy now served the college/career group. He had asked me to come and share with them. I taught on fruitfulness, unity, carnality, and putting men on pedestals. The title was "Plow, Plant, Water, Reap." My main text was out of 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. What a word from God for us Pastors and Missionaries! The mission field of Spain truly is God's! After the Bible Study, many people came up for prayer. I really enjoy those times in ministry, just to be able to talk to Jesus with my brothers in Christ. I was also able to reunite with Pastor Mark Avila, who I affectionately call my "Father in the Faith." I hadn't seen him for almost 3 years. He truly made an impact on me when I served as a youth pastor at CC Upland.
On Saturday January 9th, I went to CC Montebello for a wedding. The youth pastor Joseph Totsis was marrying Amy Sandoval. I met Joseph years ago and always appreciated hanging out with him. The last time I saw him, was at my going away party before I left for Spain. Joseph and Amy will be serving together as missionaries to Japan! The ceremony was awesome and as usual Pastor Pancho Juarez was hilarious:) I pray God's best for their future together! At the reception, I also ran into an old friend. What a small world! One of my sisters also spotted Pastor Victor and his wife Sonia Mayoral of La Posada. They serve as missionaries in Mexico. I have tons of great memories with them, considering I used to take the youth group down there annually. I have tons of funny stories from those years.:) Right now, for those who know what I am talking about: "Gloria a Dios."
I arrived back in Mallorca on Friday January 15th. I literally hit the ground running with only 2 weeks until the Spring Semester began for Mallorca Bible School. I had a lot of Accounting/bookkeeping to do for the close of the year. We had a board meeting coming up, as well as the AGM Meeting for the church. I also went back to the prison. It was great to reunite with the guys. For the last two weeks in January instead of a Bible study, Raf and I broke off from each other just to do one on one visits. This was also good to practice my Spanish.:)
On Sunday January 31st, we had Orientation for the students in between services. It was a crazy day to say the least, but a blessed one. This would mark the beginning of my 6th semester here at MBS, and the close of my 3rd school year. Every semester seems to go by faster and faster. I have truly learned, and continue to learn to live in the moment. Looking around the sanctuary, I could tell it would be a good semester.
In closing, may we learn to laugh at ourselves. You have to admit looking back on our lives, God's plan really has been better than our own. As this new year approaches, thank Him for answered prayer according to His will...
By His Grace,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Coming Home is my Favorite
One of the first two Bible verses I learned when I was younger, continues to speak to me today. Proverbs 3:5-6 declares: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths." The NIV version says He will make your paths straight. Last newsletter, I had mentioned that I had some monumental decisions to make concerning my future in the country of Spain. Once again, the Lord showed me He is never early, and He is never late. In fact, He is always right on time. The month of December was not only the end of the Fall semester, but the revealing of new things...
On Saturday December 12th, we had a Christmas Carol Service at the church. It was a night filled with fellowship, food, friends, the Word of God, and of course tons of music! I had the privilege of giving the message. The text I used was Luke 2:8-14. I focused in on the latter part of verse 14. God by sending Jesus to earth, really did demonstrate what His "goodwill" towards men looked like. I also ended my series entitled: "Why the Bible?" with the youth group. Our new youth leader will be arriving in January...
Thursday December 17th, marked the end of yet another semester. It was my fifth one here at the Bible college. I was privileged to be able to teach the book of Ecclesiastes for the third time. For various reasons, it was decided that we wouldn't offer Missions this semester. Here on the mission field, it truly has been an honor to be able to also be used by God to impact the next generation.
December 17th, also marked the day I left for my furlough to SoCal. Due to the generosity of my parents, I was able to come home and spend the holidays with them. I had not been home for Christmas or New Year's for 2 years. It truly was a joy!
One of the things the Lord blessed me with in being in SoCal, was the engagement of my sister Amanda and my future brother-in-law Brandon. On Sunday night December 27th, Brandon popped the question! I am so happy for them both.
On Monday December 28th, I was able to attend the Missions prayer meeting at CC Upland. What encouraged me the most, was simply seeing the faces of the faithful few who attend these meetings regularly. There prayers mean so much to me. Thanks to you all:)
Well, in regards to the decision of where in Spain God wants me. Through much prayer, thinking, reading my Bible, various circumstances, remembering things God spoke to me before I even arrived on the field, and the counsel of family and friends, my decision was made and solidified. Here it goes... I will be moving to El Rincon de la Victoria to come alongside Ivan and Eunice! My commitment will be done in August here in Mallorca, making it 3 years here. My prayer is that I would finish these last months well and that God would prepare me for the "next step" on this journey/adventure.
Half of my furlough went into January. Next newsletter I will share with you more of the wonderful things I was privileged to be a part of while out in SoCal.
Sometimes, I feel like I have two lives. One in SoCal, and the other one here in Spain. Through the opening of doors to be able to take furloughs, God has blessed me with the best of both worlds...
By His Grace,
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